- class Deeploy.AbstractDataTypes.Immediate(value: int | float | Immediate, ctxt: _NetworkContext | None = None)
]Represents any immediate value, e.g. 6, 7.48,… Can not be used to represent values that are deferenced at runtime.
(value[, ctxt])checkPromotion
(value[, ctxt])Checks whether a given Python-typed or Deeploy-typed value can be represented with the Deeploy type
(value[, ctxt])Checks whether a given Python-type value (usually FP64) can be represented with a Deeploy type
(otherCls)This method checks whether a data type (cls) can be used to represent any value that can be represented by another data type (otherCls).
The C typename of this type
the number of BITS to be assigned to the type
- classmethod partialOrderUpcast(otherCls: Type[Immediate]) bool
This method checks whether a data type (cls) can be used to represent any value that can be represented by another data type (otherCls). For more information on partial order sets and type conversion, check:
- Parameters:
otherCls (Type[Immediate]) – The class you want to upcast an immediate of this cls to
- Returns:
Returns true if this cls can be statically promoted to otherCls
- Return type:
- classmethod checkPromotion(value: _PythonType | Immediate, ctxt: _NetworkContext | None = None)
Checks whether a given Python-typed or Deeploy-typed value can be represented with the Deeploy type
- Parameters:
value (Union[_PythonType, _DeeployType]) – Python-typed or Deeploy-typed value to be checked for promotion to cls
ctxt (Optional[_NetworkContext]) – Current NetworkContext
- Returns:
Returns true if the value can be promoted to cls
- Return type:
- abstractmethod classmethod checkValue(value: _PythonType, ctxt: _NetworkContext | None = None) bool
Checks whether a given Python-type value (usually FP64) can be represented with a Deeploy type
- Parameters:
value (_PythonType) – Python-typed value to check
ctxt (Optional[_NetworkContext]) – Current NetworkContext
- Returns:
Returns true if value can represented by cls
- Return type:
- typeName: str
The C typename of this type
- Type:
- typeWidth: int
the number of BITS to be assigned to the type
- Type: