
class Deeploy.DeeployTypes.NetworkContext(variableBuffer: Type[VariableBuffer], constantBuffer: Type[ConstantBuffer], structBuffer: Type[StructBuffer], transientBuffer: Type[TransientBuffer], globalObjects={}, localObjects={}, name: str = 'DeeployNetwork')

Bases: object

The global context of the compiler. This object holds all the typing inferred in the type-checking passes within the respective buffers. It holds all hoisted transient buffers, struct buffers, and global definitions. The context is the source of truth for all code generation in the backend.


__init__(variableBuffer: Type[VariableBuffer], constantBuffer: Type[ConstantBuffer], structBuffer: Type[StructBuffer], transientBuffer: Type[TransientBuffer], globalObjects={}, localObjects={}, name: str = 'DeeployNetwork')

__init__(variableBuffer, constantBuffer, ...)

add(obj[, ctxt, _id])

Adds a VariableBuffer object to the NetworkContext

addUser(name, node)

Adds an operator's name to the _user list of a VariableBuffer in the context

annotateType(name, _type)

Annotates a Deeploy-type pointer on the _type field of a VariableBuffer


Return a shallow copy of this NetworkContext


Function to unravel reference instantiated in _ReferenceBuffer objects until the underlying VariableBuffer's name is returned

exportNetworkContext(folderPath, fileName)

Exports the NetworkContext as a pickled dictionary

hoistConstant(node[, name, _type])

Register a ConstantBuffer extracted directly from a graphsurgeon Node

hoistConstantAndReference(constBuf, pointerType)

Helper function to hoist a new ConstantBuffer and a _ReferenceBuffer to it.

hoistGlobalDefinition(name, definition)

Registers a new GlobalDefinition in the global context

hoistReference(_reference, name)

Helper function to register a _ReferenceBuffer to preexisting VariableBuffer

hoistStruct(_struct, name, _type)

Register a Struct with the local context

hoistTransientBuffer(name, size)

Registers a new TransientBuffer in the local context

importNetworkContext(folderPath, fileName)

Imports a pickled NetworkContext that was saved using exportNetworkContext


Checks whether a name is associated with a global buffer


Checks whether a name is associated with a local buffer

lookup(name[, _id])

Returns the VariableBuffer or GlobalDefinition registered under a given name

dealiasBuffer(referenceName: str) str

Function to unravel reference instantiated in _ReferenceBuffer objects until the underlying VariableBuffer’s name is returned


referenceName (str) – Name of the _ReferenceBuffer to unravel


Name of the original VariableBuffer that was referenced

Return type:



Exception – Raises an Exception if references are circular, i.e. there is no underlying VariableBuffer

exportNetworkContext(folderPath: str, fileName: str)

Exports the NetworkContext as a pickled dictionary

  • folderPath (str) – Path to the location where this pickled context should be saved

  • fileName (str) – Name of the pickled context file


OSError – Raises an OSError if the path is not valid

static importNetworkContext(folderPath, fileName)

Imports a pickled NetworkContext that was saved using exportNetworkContext

  • folderPath (str) – Path to the location where the pickled context is stored

  • fileName (str) – Name of the pickled context file


OSError – Raises in OSError if the pickled context file does not exist

add(obj: VariableBuffer, ctxt: str = 'local', _id: str = '')

Adds a VariableBuffer object to the NetworkContext

  • obj (VariableBuffer) – The VariableBuffer object to be registered

  • ctxt (str) – Level of the NetworkContext to register the VariableBuffer in, either local or global

  • _id (str) – Override for the registration name of the VariableBuffer. Do not use unless you have a good reason!

  • ValueError – Raises a ValueError if ctxt is not local or global

  • KeyError – Raises a KeyError if the VariableBuffer’s name is already registered within the NetworkContext

lookup(name: str, _id: str = '') VariableBuffer | GlobalDefinition

Returns the VariableBuffer or GlobalDefinition registered under a given name

  • name (str) – Name of the VariableBuffer to look up

  • _id (str) – Override for the registration name of the VariableBuffer. Do not use unless you have a good reason!


Registered buffer object

Return type:

Union[VariableBuffer, GlobalDefinition]


KeyError – Raises a KeyError if the name does not match with any registered object

is_global(name: str) bool

Checks whether a name is associated with a global buffer


name (str) – Name of the VariableBuffer to check for


Returns true if the name matches with any global buffer

Return type:


is_local(name: str) bool

Checks whether a name is associated with a local buffer


name (str) – Name of the VariableBuffer to check for


Returns ture if the name matches with any local buffer

Return type:


hoistTransientBuffer(name: str, size: int) str

Registers a new TransientBuffer in the local context

  • name (str) – Name of the TransientBuffer to register

  • size (int) – BYTE size of the TransientBuffer to register


On success, return the name of the registered buffer

Return type:


hoistGlobalDefinition(name: str, definition: str) None

Registers a new GlobalDefinition in the global context

  • name (str) – Name of the GlobalDefinition to register

  • definition (str) – Program code of the GlobalDefinition

hoistStruct(_struct: Dict[str, BaseType] | Struct, name: str, _type: Type[Struct]) str

Register a Struct with the local context

  • _struct (Union[Dict[str, BaseType], Struct]) – Struct object or Struct object’s definition

  • name (str) – Name to register the struct under

  • _type (Type[Struct]) – Type definition of the Struct class to register


On success, return the name of the registered buffer

Return type:


hoistConstantAndReference(constBuf: ConstantBuffer, pointerType: Type[Pointer]) str

Helper function to hoist a new ConstantBuffer and a _ReferenceBuffer to it. Mostly used in tiling to create boilerplate for tiled variables.

  • constBuf (ConstantBuffer) – ConstantBuffer to hoist

  • pointerType (Type[Pointer]) – Pointer class to assign to the constant buffer


name of the registered _ReferenceBuffer

Return type:


hoistReference(_reference: str, name: str) str

Helper function to register a _ReferenceBuffer to preexisting VariableBuffer

  • _reference (str) – Name of the VariableBuffer that should be referenced

  • name (str) – Name of the _ReferenceBuffer that should be registered


Returns the name of the newly registered _ReferenceBuffer

Return type:


hoistConstant(node: Node, name: str = '', _type: Type[Pointer] | None = None) str

Register a ConstantBuffer extracted directly from a graphsurgeon Node

  • node (gs.Node) – graphsurgeon.Node containing a single constant output

  • name (str) – Name of the ConstantBuffer to be registered

  • _type (Optional[Type[Pointer]]) – Optional type assignment of the registered ConstantBuffer


Returns the name of the newly registed ConstantBuffer

Return type:


addUser(name: str, node: Node)

Adds an operator’s name to the _user list of a VariableBuffer in the context

  • name (str) – Name of the VariableBuffer that gets used by the node

  • node (gs.Node) – graphsurgeon Node of the operator

annotateType(name: str, _type: Type[Pointer])

Annotates a Deeploy-type pointer on the _type field of a VariableBuffer

  • name (str) – Name of the VariableBuffer to annotate

  • _type (Type[Pointer]) – Type of the Deeploy-type pointer to annotate the VariableBuffer with

copy() NetworkContext

Return a shallow copy of this NetworkContext