axi_pkg | Contains all necessary type definitions, constants, and generally useful functions. |
axi_test | A set of testbench utilities for AXI interfaces. |
axi_atop_filter | Filter atomic operations (ATOPs) in a protocol-compliant manner. |
axi_atop_filter_intf | Interface variant of |
axi_burst_splitter | Split AXI4 bursts into single-beat transactions. |
axi_burst_splitter_ax_chan | Internal module of |
axi_burst_splitter_counters | Internal module of |
axi_burst_unwrap | Splits wrapping AXI4 bursts into incremental bursts. |
axi_burst_unwrap_ax_chan | Internal module of |
axi_burst_counters | Internal module of |
axi_bus_compare | Synthesizable test module comparing two AXI channels of the same type |
axi_cdc | A clock domain crossing on an AXI interface. |
axi_cdc_intf | |
axi_lite_cdc_intf | |
axi_cdc_dst | Destination-clock-domain half of the AXI CDC crossing. |
axi_cdc_dst_intf | |
axi_lite_cdc_dst_intf | |
axi_cdc_src | Source-clock-domain half of the AXI CDC crossing. |
axi_cdc_src_intf | |
axi_lite_cdc_src_intf | |
axi_chan_compare | Non-synthesizable module comparing two AXI channels of the same type |
axi_cut | An AXI4 cut. |
axi_cut_intf | |
axi_lite_cut_intf | |
axi_delayer | Synthesizable module that (randomly) delays AXI channels. |
axi_delayer_intf | |
axi_demux | Demultiplex one AXI4+ATOP slave port to multiple AXI4+ATOP master ports. |
axi_demux_intf | |
axi_demux_simple | Demultiplex one AXI4+ATOP slave port to multiple AXI4+ATOP master ports. |
axi_demux_id_counters | |
axi_dumper | Simulation-Only dumper for AXI transactions |
axi_dumper_intf | |
axi_dw_converter | |
axi_dw_converter_intf | |
axi_dw_downsizer | |
axi_dw_upsizer | |
axi_err_slv | |
axi_fifo | |
axi_fifo_intf | |
axi_from_mem | Protocol adapter which translates memory requests to the AXI4 protocol. |
axi_id_prepend | |
axi_id_remap | Remap AXI IDs from wide IDs at the slave port to narrower IDs at the master port. |
axi_id_remap_table | Internal module of |
axi_id_remap_intf | Interface variant of |
axi_id_serialize | Reduce AXI IDs by serializing transactions when necessary. |
axi_id_serialize_intf | Interface variant of |
axi_interleaved_xbar | Interleaved version of the crossbar. This module is experimental; use at your own risk. |
axi_interleaved_xbar_intf | |
axi_isolate | This module can isolate the AXI4+ATOPs bus on the master port from the slave port. When the |
axi_isolate_inner | |
axi_isolate_intf | Interface variant of |
axi_iw_converter | Convert between any two AXI ID widths. |
axi_iw_converter_intf | Interface variant of |
axi_join_intf | A connector that joins two AXI interfaces. |
axi_lfsr | AXI4 LFSR Subordinate device. Responds with a pseudo random answer. Serial interface to |
axi_lite_demux | |
axi_lite_demux_intf | |
axi_lite_dw_converter | |
axi_lite_dw_converter_intf | |
axi_lite_from_mem | Protocol adapter which translates memory requests to the AXI4-Lite protocol. |
axi_lite_join_intf | A connector that joins two AXI-Lite interfaces. |
axi_lite_lfsr | AXI4 Lite LFSR Subordinate device. Responds with a pseudo random answer. Serial interface to |
axi_opt_lfsr | XOR LFSR with tabs based on the lfsr_table. LFSR has |
axi_lite_mailbox | |
axi_lite_mailbox_slave | |
axi_lite_mailbox_intf | |
axi_lite_mux | |
axi_lite_mux_intf | |
axi_lite_regs | AXI4-Lite registers with optional read-only and protection features. |
axi_lite_regs_intf | Interface variant of |
axi_lite_to_apb | |
axi_lite_to_apb_intf | |
axi_lite_to_axi | An AXI4-Lite to AXI4 adapter. |
axi_lite_to_axi_intf | |
axi_lite_xbar | |
axi_lite_xbar_intf | |
axi_modify_address | Modify addresses on an AXI4 bus |
axi_modify_address_intf | Interface variant of |
axi_multicut | |
axi_multicut_intf | |
axi_lite_multicut_intf | |
axi_mux | |
axi_mux_intf | |
axi_rw_join | Joins a read and a write slave into one single read / write master |
axi_rw_split | Splits a single read / write slave into one read and one write master |
axi_serializer | Serialize all AXI transactions to a single ID (zero). |
axi_serializer_intf | Serialize all AXI transactions to a single ID (zero), interface version. |
axi_sim_mem | Infinite (Simulation-Only) Memory with AXI Slave Port |
axi_sim_mem_intf | Interface variant of |
axi_sim_mem_multiport_intf | Mutliport interface variant of |
axi_slave_compare | Synthesizable test module comparing two AXI slaves of the same type. |
axi_chan_logger | |
axi_throttle | Throttles an AXI4+ATOP bus. The maximum number of outstanding transfers have to |
axi_to_axi_lite | An AXI4+ATOP to AXI4-Lite converter with atomic transaction and burst support. |
axi_to_axi_lite_id_reflect | |
axi_to_axi_lite_intf | |
axi_to_detailed_mem | AXI4+ATOP slave module which translates AXI bursts into a memory stream. |
axi_to_detailed_mem_intf | Interface wrapper for module |
axi_to_mem | AXI4+ATOP slave module which translates AXI bursts into a memory stream. |
axi_to_mem_intf | Interface wrapper for module |
axi_to_mem_banked | AXI4+ATOP to banked SRAM memory slave. Allows for parallel read and write transactions. |
axi_to_mem_banked_intf | AXI4+ATOP interface wrapper for |
axi_to_mem_interleaved | AXI4+ATOP to SRAM memory slave. Allows for parallel read and write transactions. |
axi_to_mem_interleaved_intf | AXI4+ATOP interface wrapper for |
axi_to_mem_split | AXI4+ATOP to memory-protocol interconnect. Completely separates the read and write channel to |
axi_to_mem_split_intf | AXI4+ATOP interface wrapper for |
axi_xbar | axi_xbar: Fully-connected AXI4+ATOP crossbar with an arbitrary number of slave and master ports. |
axi_xbar_intf | |
axi_xbar_unmuxed | axi_xbar: Fully-connected AXI4+ATOP crossbar with an arbitrary number of slave and master ports. |
axi_xbar_unmuxed_intf | |
axi_xp | AXI Crosspoint (XP) with homomorphous slave and master ports. |
axi_xp_intf | |
axi_zero_mem | AXI4+ATOP slave module which translates AXI bursts into a memory stream |