Module axi_bus_compare

Synthesizable test module comparing two AXI channels of the same type

This module is meant to be used in FPGA-based verification.


AxiIdWidth: int unsigned

ID width of the AXI4+ATOP interface

FifoDepth: int unsigned

FIFO depth

UseSize: bit

Consider size field in comparison

DataWidth: int unsigned

Data width of the AXI4+ATOP interface

axi_aw_chan_t: type

AW channel type of the AXI4+ATOP interface

axi_w_chan_t: type

W channel type of the AXI4+ATOP interface

axi_b_chan_t: type

B channel type of the AXI4+ATOP interface

axi_ar_chan_t: type

AR channel type of the AXI4+ATOP interface

axi_r_chan_t: type

R channel type of the AXI4+ATOP interface

axi_req_t: type

Request struct type of the AXI4+ATOP slave port

axi_rsp_t: type

Response struct type of the AXI4+ATOP slave port

id_t: type

ID type (do not overwrite)


clk_i: input logic


rst_ni: input logic

Asynchronous reset, active low

testmode_i: input logic


axi_a_req_i: input axi_req_t

AXI4+ATOP A channel request in

axi_a_rsp_o: output axi_rsp_t

AXI4+ATOP A channel response out

axi_a_req_o: output axi_req_t

AXI4+ATOP A channel request out

axi_a_rsp_i: input axi_rsp_t

AXI4+ATOP A channel response in

axi_b_req_i: input axi_req_t

AXI4+ATOP B channel request in

axi_b_rsp_o: output axi_rsp_t

AXI4+ATOP B channel response out

axi_b_req_o: output axi_req_t

AXI4+ATOP B channel request out

axi_b_rsp_i: input axi_rsp_t

AXI4+ATOP B channel response in

aw_mismatch_o: output id_t

AW mismatch

w_mismatch_o: output logic

W mismatch

b_mismatch_o: output id_t

B mismatch

ar_mismatch_o: output id_t

AR mismatch

r_mismatch_o: output id_t

R mismatch

mismatch_o: output logic

General mismatch

busy_o: output logic

Unit is busy


fifo_valid_aw_a: id_t

fifo_ready_aw_a: id_t

fifo_valid_b_a: id_t

fifo_ready_b_a: id_t

fifo_valid_ar_a: id_t

fifo_ready_ar_a: id_t

fifo_valid_r_a: id_t

fifo_ready_r_a: id_t

fifo_valid_aw_b: id_t

fifo_ready_aw_b: id_t

fifo_valid_b_b: id_t

fifo_ready_b_b: id_t

fifo_valid_ar_b: id_t

fifo_ready_ar_b: id_t

fifo_valid_r_b: id_t

fifo_ready_r_b: id_t

fifo_cmp_valid_aw_a: id_t

fifo_cmp_valid_b_a: id_t

fifo_cmp_valid_ar_a: id_t

fifo_cmp_valid_r_a: id_t

fifo_cmp_valid_aw_b: id_t

fifo_cmp_valid_b_b: id_t

fifo_cmp_valid_ar_b: id_t

fifo_cmp_valid_r_b: id_t

fifo_cmp_data_w_a: axi_w_chan_t

fifo_cmp_data_w_b: axi_w_chan_t