Module axi_chan_compare

Non-synthesizable module comparing two AXI channels of the same type


IgnoreId: bit

Ignore ID field if it was remapped

AllowReordering: bit

Allow reordered responses of different IDs,

not compatible with IgnoreId

IdWidth: int unsigned

AXI ID Width

aw_chan_t: type

w_chan_t: type

b_chan_t: type

ar_chan_t: type

r_chan_t: type

req_t: type

resp_t: type



clk_a_i: input logic

clk_b_i: input logic

axi_a_req: input req_t

axi_a_res: input resp_t

axi_b_req: input req_t

axi_b_res: input resp_t


aw_queue: aw_chan_t

w_queue: w_chan_t

b_queue: b_chan_t

ar_queue: ar_chan_t

r_queue: r_chan_t