Module axi_isolate

This module can isolate the AXI4+ATOPs bus on the master port from the slave port. When the

isolation is not active, the two ports are directly connected.

This module counts how many open transactions are currently in flight on the read and write

channels. It is further capable of tracking the amount of open atomic transactions with read


The isolation interface has two signals: isolate_i and isolated_o. When isolate_i is

asserted, all open transactions are gracefully terminated. When no transactions are in flight

anymore, the isolated_o output is asserted. As long as isolated_o is asserted, all output

signals in mst_req_o are silenced to '0. When isolated, new transactions initiated on the

slave port are stalled until the isolation is terminated by deasserting isolate_i.


If the TerminateTransaction parameter is set to 1'b1, the module will return response errors

in case there is an incoming transaction while the module isolates. The data returned on the

bus is 1501A7ED (hexspeak for isolated).

If TerminateTransaction is set to 1'b0, the transaction will block indefinitely until the

module is de-isolated again.


NumPending: int unsigned

Maximum number of pending requests per channel

TerminateTransaction: bit

Gracefully terminate all incoming transactions in case of isolation by returning proper error


AtopSupport: bit

Support atomic operations (ATOPs)

AxiAddrWidth: int signed

Address width of all AXI4+ATOP ports

AxiDataWidth: int signed

Data width of all AXI4+ATOP ports

AxiIdWidth: int signed

ID width of all AXI4+ATOP ports

AxiUserWidth: int signed

User signal width of all AXI4+ATOP ports

axi_req_t: type

Request struct type of all AXI4+ATOP ports

axi_resp_t: type

Response struct type of all AXI4+ATOP ports


clk_i: input logic

Rising-edge clock of all ports

rst_ni: input logic

Asynchronous reset, active low

slv_req_i: input axi_req_t

Slave port request

slv_resp_o: output axi_resp_t

Slave port response

mst_req_o: output axi_req_t

Master port request

mst_resp_i: input axi_resp_t

Master port response

isolate_i: input logic

Isolate master port from slave port

isolated_o: output logic

Master port is isolated from slave port

