Module axi_lite_lfsr

AXI4 Lite LFSR Subordinate device. Responds with a pseudo random answer. Serial interface to

set the internal state.


DataWidth: int unsigned

AXI4 Lite Data Width

axi_lite_req_t: type

AXI4 Lite request struct definition

axi_lite_rsp_t: type

AXI4 Lite response struct definition

StrbWidth: int unsigned

AXI4 Strobe Width


clk_i: input logic

Rising-edge clock

rst_ni: input logic

Active-low reset

testmode_i: input logic


req_i: input axi_lite_req_t

AXI4 Lite request struct

rsp_o: output axi_lite_rsp_t

AXI4 Lite response struct

w_ser_data_i: input logic

Serial shift data in (write)

w_ser_data_o: output logic

Serial shift data out (write)

w_ser_en_i: input logic

Serial shift enable (write)

r_ser_data_i: input logic

Serial shift data in (read)

r_ser_data_o: output logic

Serial shift data out (read)

r_ser_en_i: input logic

Serial shift enable (read)