Module axi_serializer

Serialize all AXI transactions to a single ID (zero).

This module contains one queue with slave port IDs for the read direction and one for the write

direction. These queues are used to reconstruct the ID of responses at the slave port. The

depth of each queue is defined by MaxReadTxns and MaxWriteTxns, respectively.


MaxReadTxns: int unsigned

Maximum number of in flight read transactions.

MaxWriteTxns: int unsigned

Maximum number of in flight write transactions.

AxiIdWidth: int unsigned

AXI4+ATOP ID width.

axi_req_t: type

AXI4+ATOP request struct definition.

axi_resp_t: type

AXI4+ATOP response struct definition.


clk_i: input logic


rst_ni: input logic

Asynchronous reset, active low

slv_req_i: input axi_req_t

Slave port request

slv_resp_o: output axi_resp_t

Slave port response

mst_req_o: output axi_req_t

Master port request

mst_resp_i: input axi_resp_t

Master port response




b_id: id_t

r_id: id_t

ar_id: id_t

state_q: state_e

state_d: state_e