Module axi_serializer_intf
Serialize all AXI transactions to a single ID (zero), interface version.
AXI_ID_WIDTH: int unsigned
AXI4+ATOP ID width.
AXI_ADDR_WIDTH: int unsigned
AXI4+ATOP address width.
AXI_DATA_WIDTH: int unsigned
AXI4+ATOP data width.
AXI_USER_WIDTH: int unsigned
AXI4+ATOP user width.
MAX_READ_TXNS: int unsigned
Maximum number of in flight read transactions.
MAX_WRITE_TXNS: int unsigned
Maximum number of in flight write transactions.
clk_i: input logic
rst_ni: input logic
Asynchronous reset, active low
slv: AXI_BUS.Slave
AXI4+ATOP Slave modport
mst: AXI_BUS.Master
AXI4+ATOP Master modport
id_t | |
addr_t | |
data_t | |
strb_t | |
user_t | |
aw_chan_t | |
w_chan_t | |
b_chan_t | |
ar_chan_t | |
r_chan_t | |
axi_req_t | |
axi_resp_t |