Module axi_slave_compare

Synthesizable test module comparing two AXI slaves of the same type.

The reference response is always passed to the master, whereas the test response

is discarded after handshaking.

This module is meant to be used in FPGA-based verification.


AxiIdWidth: int unsigned

ID width of the AXI4+ATOP interface

FifoDepth: int unsigned

FIFO depth

UseSize: bit

Consider size field in comparison

DataWidth: int unsigned

Data width of the AXI4+ATOP interface

axi_aw_chan_t: type

AW channel type of the AXI4+ATOP interface

axi_w_chan_t: type

W channel type of the AXI4+ATOP interface

axi_b_chan_t: type

B channel type of the AXI4+ATOP interface

axi_ar_chan_t: type

AR channel type of the AXI4+ATOP interface

axi_r_chan_t: type

R channel type of the AXI4+ATOP interface

axi_req_t: type

Request struct type of the AXI4+ATOP slave port

axi_rsp_t: type

Response struct type of the AXI4+ATOP slave port

id_t: type

ID type (do not overwrite)


clk_i: input logic


rst_ni: input logic

Asynchronous reset, active low

testmode_i: input logic


axi_mst_req_i: input axi_req_t

AXI4+ATOP channel request in

axi_mst_rsp_o: output axi_rsp_t

AXI4+ATOP channel response out

axi_ref_req_o: output axi_req_t

AXI4+ATOP reference channel request out

axi_ref_rsp_i: input axi_rsp_t

AXI4+ATOP reference channel response in

axi_test_req_o: output axi_req_t

AXI4+ATOP test channel request out

axi_test_rsp_i: input axi_rsp_t

AXI4+ATOP test channel response in

aw_mismatch_o: output id_t

AW mismatch

w_mismatch_o: output logic

W mismatch

b_mismatch_o: output id_t

B mismatch

ar_mismatch_o: output id_t

AR mismatch

r_mismatch_o: output id_t

R mismatch

mismatch_o: output logic

General mismatch

busy_o: output logic

Unit is busy


axi_ref_req_in: axi_req_t

axi_test_req_in: axi_req_t

axi_ref_rsp_in: axi_rsp_t

axi_test_rsp_in: axi_rsp_t