Module axi_to_axi_lite

An AXI4+ATOP to AXI4-Lite converter with atomic transaction and burst support.


AxiAddrWidth: int unsigned

AxiDataWidth: int unsigned

AxiIdWidth: int unsigned

AxiUserWidth: int unsigned

AxiMaxWriteTxns: int unsigned

AxiMaxReadTxns: int unsigned

FullBW: bit

FallThrough: bit

full_req_t: type

full_resp_t: type

lite_req_t: type

lite_resp_t: type


clk_i: input logic

rst_ni: input logic

test_i: input logic

slv_req_i: input full_req_t

slv_resp_o: output full_resp_t

mst_req_o: output lite_req_t

mst_resp_i: input lite_resp_t


filtered_req: full_req_t

splitted_req: full_req_t

filtered_resp: full_resp_t

splitted_resp: full_resp_t