Module axi_to_mem_banked

AXI4+ATOP to banked SRAM memory slave. Allows for parallel read and write transactions.

Has higher throughput than axi_to_mem, however needs more hardware.

The used address space starts at 0x0 and ends at the capacity of all memory banks combined.

The higher address bits are ignored for accesses.


AxiIdWidth: int unsigned

AXI4+ATOP ID width

AxiAddrWidth: int unsigned

AXI4+ATOP address width

AxiDataWidth: int unsigned

AXI4+ATOP data width

axi_aw_chan_t: type

AXI4+ATOP AW channel struct

axi_w_chan_t: type

AXI4+ATOP W channel struct

axi_b_chan_t: type

AXI4+ATOP B channel struct

axi_ar_chan_t: type

AXI4+ATOP AR channel struct

axi_r_chan_t: type

AXI4+ATOP R channel struct

axi_req_t: type

AXI4+ATOP request struct

axi_resp_t: type

AXI4+ATOP response struct

MemNumBanks: int unsigned

Number of memory banks / macros

Has to satisfy:

MemAddrWidth: int unsigned

Address width of an individual memory bank. This is treated as a word address.

MemDataWidth: int unsigned

Data width of the memory macros.

Has to satisfy:

MemLatency: int unsigned

Read latency of the connected memory in cycles

HideStrb: bit

Hide write requests if the strb == ’0

OutFifoDepth: int unsigned

Depth of output fifo/fall_through_register. Increase for asymmetric backpressure (contention) on banks.

mem_addr_t: type

DEPENDENT PARAMETER, DO NOT OVERWRITE! Address type of the memory request.

mem_atop_t: type

DEPENDENT PARAMETER, DO NOT OVERWRITE! Atomic operation type for the memory request.

mem_data_t: type

DEPENDENT PARAMETER, DO NOT OVERWRITE! Data type for the memory request.

mem_strb_t: type

DEPENDENT PARAMETER, DO NOT OVERWRITE! Byte strobe/enable signal for the memory request.

BanksPerAxiChannel: int unsigned

This specifies the number of banks needed to have the full data bandwidth of one

AXI data channel.

BankSelOffset: int unsigned

Offset of the byte address from AXI to determine, where the selection signal for the

memory bank should start.

BankSelWidth: int unsigned

Selection signal width of the xbar. This is the reason for power of two banks, otherwise

There are holes in the address mapping.


clk_i: input logic


rst_ni: input logic

Asynchronous reset, active low

test_i: input logic

Testmode enable

axi_req_i: input axi_req_t

AXI4+ATOP slave port, request struct

axi_resp_o: output axi_resp_t

AXI4+ATOP slave port, response struct

mem_req_o: output logic [MemNumBanks-1:0]

Memory bank request

mem_gnt_i: input logic [MemNumBanks-1:0]

Memory request grant

mem_add_o: output mem_addr_t [MemNumBanks-1:0]

Request address

mem_we_o: output logic [MemNumBanks-1:0]

Write request enable, active high

mem_wdata_o: output mem_data_t [MemNumBanks-1:0]

Write data

mem_be_o: output mem_strb_t [MemNumBanks-1:0]

Write data byte enable, active high

mem_atop_o: output mem_atop_t [MemNumBanks-1:0]

Atomic operation

mem_rdata_i: input mem_data_t [MemNumBanks-1:0]

Read data response

axi_to_mem_busy_o: output logic [1:0]

Status output, busy flag of axi_to_mem



Payload definition which is sent over the xbar between the macros and the read/write unit.


Read data definition for the shift register, which samples the read response data


r_shift_inp: read_sel_t

r_shift_oup: read_sel_t