Module axi_to_mem_interleaved_intf
AXI4+ATOP interface wrapper for axi_to_mem_interleaved
AXI_ID_WIDTH: int unsigned
AXI4+ATOP ID width
AXI_ADDR_WIDTH: int unsigned
AXI4+ATOP address width
AXI_DATA_WIDTH: int unsigned
AXI4+ATOP data width
AXI_USER_WIDTH: int unsigned
AXI4+ATOP user width
MEM_NUM_BANKS: int unsigned
Number of memory banks / macros
BUF_DEPTH: int unsigned
Read latency of the connected memory in cycles
Hide write requests if the strb == ’0
OUT_FIFO_DEPTH: int unsigned
Depth of output fifo/fall_through_register. Increase for asymmetric backpressure (contention) on banks.
mem_addr_t: type
Dependent parameter, do not override. Memory address type.
mem_atop_t: type
Dependent parameter, do not override. Memory atomic type.
mem_data_t: type
Dependent parameter, do not override. Memory data type.
mem_strb_t: type
Dependent parameter, do not override. Memory write strobe type.
clk_i: input logic
rst_ni: input logic
Asynchronous reset, active low
test_i: input logic
Testmode enable
busy_o: output logic
Status output, busy flag of axi_to_mem
slv: AXI_BUS.Slave
AXI4+ATOP slave port
mem_req_o: output logic [MEM_NUM_BANKS-1:0]
Memory bank request
mem_gnt_i: input logic [MEM_NUM_BANKS-1:0]
Memory request grant
mem_addr_o: output mem_addr_t [MEM_NUM_BANKS-1:0]
Request address
mem_wdata_o: output mem_data_t [MEM_NUM_BANKS-1:0]
Write data
mem_strb_o: output mem_strb_t [MEM_NUM_BANKS-1:0]
Write data byte enable, active high
mem_atop_o: output mem_atop_t [MEM_NUM_BANKS-1:0]
Atomic operation
mem_we_o: output logic [MEM_NUM_BANKS-1:0]
Write request enable, active high
mem_rvalid_i: input logic [MEM_NUM_BANKS-1:0]
Read data valid response, active high
mem_rdata_i: input mem_data_t [MEM_NUM_BANKS-1:0]
Read data response
id_t | |
addr_t | |
data_t | |
strb_t | |
user_t | |
aw_chan_t | |
w_chan_t | |
b_chan_t | |
ar_chan_t | |
r_chan_t | |
axi_req_t | |
axi_resp_t |