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Xilinx FGPAs

This page describes how to map Carfield on Xilinx FPGAs to execute baremetal programs or boot CVA6 Linux. Please first read Getting Started to make sure have all dependencies. Additionally, for on-chip debugging you need:

  • OpenOCD >= 0.10.0

We currently provide working setups for:

  • Xilinx VCU128 with Vivado == 2020.2
  • Xilinx VCU118 with Vivado == 2020.2

:warning: At the moment it is required to use the Vivado version above

Note: Certain version of Vivado might cause issue, until these issues are resolved it is safer to use 2020.2

We are working on support for more boards in the future.

The Carfield bitstreams are divided in two flavors at the moment. The flavor_vanilla and the flavor_bd.

  • flavor_vanilla - The hardware to be mapped on the FPGA is fully described in System Verilog. This flow is lightweight, easily reproducible, and self contained. As each IP is integrated by hand in the RTL, only the Xilinx DDR, Xilinx VIO and Xilinx clock wizard are available (at the moment).

  • flavor_bd - In order to allow for more complex top level, this flow relies on the Vivado block design flow to link Carfield with external IPs. This flow is less human readable but allows integrating more complex IPs as Xilinx Ethernet. Note that this may require you to own the respective licenses.

Quick Start

The recommended command to build a bitstream (for VCU128) is

make car-xil-all XILINX_FLAVOR=bd VIVADO="vitis-2020.2 vivado" VIVADO_MODE=gui XILINX_BOARD=vcu128 GEN_NO_HYPERBUS=1 GEN_EXT_JTAG=1 CARFIELD_CONFIG=carfield_l2dual_spatz_periph

Please find below more explanations.

Building the vanilla bistream (VCU128 only)

Due to the structure of the Makefile flow. All the following commands are to be executed at the root of the Carfield repository. If you want to see the Makefiles that you will be using, you can find the generic FPGA rules in target/xilinx/ and the vanilla specific rules in target/xilinx/flavor_vanilla/

First, make sure that you have fetch and generated all the RTL:

make car-init

Generate the bitstream in target/xilinx/out/ by running:

make car-xil-all XILINX_FLAVOR=vanilla [VIVADO=version]
[VIVADO_MODE={batch,gui}] [XILINX_BOARD={vcu128}] [GEN_NO_HYPERBUS={0,1}]
[GEN_EXT_JTAG={0,1}] [CARFIELD_CONFIG=carfield_l2dual_{safe,spatz}_periph]

See the argument list below:

Argument Relevance Description
VIVADO all Vivado command to use
XILINX_BOARD all vcu128
GEN_NO_HYPERBUS all 0 Use the hyperram controller inside
1 Use the Xilinx DDR controller
GEN_EXT_JTAG vcu128 0 Connect the JTAG debugger to the board's JTAG (see vcu128)
1 Connect the JTAG debugger to an external JTAG chain
CARFIELD_CONFIG all Select the Carfield configuration to implement. See below for supported configs.
VIVADO_MODE all batch Compile in Vivado shell
gui Compile in Vivado gui

See below some typical building time for reference:

Config Board Duration
carfield_l2dual_pulp_periph vcu128 ~5h
carfield_l2dual_safe_periph vcu128 ~5h
carfield_l2dual_spatz_periph vcu128 ~5h
carfield_l2dual_secure_periph vcu128 ISSUE

You can find which sources are used by looking at Bender.yml (target all(xilinx, fpga, xilinx_vanilla)). This file is used by bender to generate target/xilinx/flavor_vanilla/scripts/add_sources.tcl. You can open this file to see all the file list of the project. (Note that even if you disable an IP, its files will still needed by Vivado and added to the add_sources.tcl).

Note that the make command above will first compile the Xilinx ips located in target/xilinx/xilinx_ips before compiling the bitstream.

Building the bd (block design) bistream

Please read and try to compile a vanilla bitstream first to identify potential issues.

You can find the bd specific rules in target/xilinx/flavor_vanilla/

Again, make sure that you have fetched and generated all the RTL:

make car-init

Generate the bitstream in target/xilinx/out/ by running:

make car-xil-all XILINX_FLAVOR=bd [VIVADO=version] [VIVADO_MODE={batch,gui}]
[XILINX_BOARD={vcu128, vcu118}] [GEN_NO_HYPERBUS={0,1}] [GEN_EXT_JTAG={0,1}]

See the argument list below:

Argument Relevance Description
VIVADO all Vivado command to use
XILINX_BOARD all vcu128 vcu118
GEN_NO_HYPERBUS all 0 Use the hyperram controller inside
1 Use the Xilinx DDR controller
GEN_EXT_JTAG all 0 Connect the JTAG debugger to the board's JTAG (see vcu128)
1 Connect the JTAG debugger to an external JTAG chain
CARFIELD_CONFIG all Select the Carfield configuration to implement. See below for supported configs.
VIVADO_MODE all batch Compile in Vivado shell
gui Compile in Vivado gui
XILINX_BOOT_ETH vcu128 0 Boot via SPI flash only (see booting Linux)
1 Boot via SPI flash and Ethernet

See below some typical building time for reference:

Config Board Duration
carfield_l2dual_pulp_periph vcu128 ~5h
carfield_l2dual_safe_periph vcu128 ~5h
carfield_l2dual_spatz_periph vcu128 ~5h
carfield_l2dual_secure_periph vcu128 ISSUE

You can find which sources are used by looking at Bender.yml (target all(xilinx, fpga, xilinx_bd)). This file is used by bender to generate target/xilinx/flavor_bd/scripts/add_sources.tcl. You can open this file to see all the file list of the project. (Note that even if you disable an IP, its files will still needed by Vivado and added to the add_sources.tcl).

Note that the make command above will first package a Carfield ip before compiling the bitstream.

Board specificities



As the MAC address of each FPGA is unique (but reconfigurable), if you wish to use the Ethernet IP (bd flavor) you will need to add the MAC address of your board in sw/boot/mac_address.dtsi.

Xilinx VCU128

Bootmodes and VIOs

As there are no switches on this board, the CVA6 bootmode (see Cheshire bootrom) is selected by Xilinx VIOs that can be set in the Vivado GUI (see Using Vivado GUI).

External JTAG chain

The VCU128 development board only provides one JTAG chain, used by Vivado to program the bitstream, and interact with certain Xilinx IPs (ILAs, VIOs, ...). The RV64 requires access to a JTAG chain to connect GDB to the debug-module in the bitstream. When using EXT_JTAG=0 it is possible to connect the debug module to the internal FPGA's JTAG by using the Xilinx BSCANE macro. With this, you will only need the normal Xilinx USB cable to interact with CVA6. Note that it means that Vivado and OpenOCD can not use the same cable at the same time. :warning: This setup (with EXT_JTAG=0) will only work for designs containing the host only** as it is not possible to chain multiple devices on the BSCANE macro. If you need to use EXT_JTAG=0 consider modifying the RTL to remove the debug modules of the IPs. When using EXT_JTAG=1 we add an external JTAG chain for the RV64 host and other island through the FPGA's GPIOs. Since the VCU128 does not have GPIOs we use we use a Digilent JTAG-HS2 cable connected to the Xilinx XM105 FMC debug card. See the connections in vcu128.xdc.

Xilinx VCU118

Bootmodes and VIOs

We currently do not use the switches on this board, the CVA6 bootmode (see Cheshire bootrom) is selected by Xilinx VIOs that can be set in the Vivado GUI (see Using Vivado GUI).

External JTAG chain

Similarly to the VCU128 we use GPIOs to connect an external JTAG-USB dongle (Digilent HS2). Unlike the VCU128, the availability of GPIOs directly on the board allow us to connect the HS2 without an FMC debug board (see constraints for related pins). WARNING: this setup (with EXT_JTAG=0) will only work for designs containing the host only as it is not possible to chain multiple devices on the BSCANE macro. If you need to use EXT_JTAG=0 consider modifying the RTL to remove the debug modules of the IPs.

Block design and Xilinx Ethernet IP

The Xilinx Ethernet IP integration is still under debug and does not work out of the box in Linux or U-boot at the moment.

Bare-metal bringup

Programming the FPGA

Using Vivado GUI

If you have closed Vivado, or compiled in batch mode, you can open the Vivado GUI:

# Find your project
find . -name "*.xpr"
# Open it in gui
vitis-2020.2 vivado project.xpr

You can now open the Hardware Manager and program the FPGA. Once done, Vivado will give you access the to Virtual Inputs Outputs (VIOs). You can now assert the following signals (on Cheshire top level).

VIO Function
vio_reset Positive edge-sensitive reset for the whole system
vio_boot_mode Override the boot-mode switches described above
vio_boot_mode_sel Select between 0: using boot mode switches 1: use boot mode VIO

Using command line

A script program.tcl is available to flash the bitstream without opening Vivado GUI. You will need to give the following variable to access your board (see target/xilinx/

  • XILINX_PORT - Vivado opened port (default 3121)
  • FPGA_PATH - Vivado path to your FPGA (default xilinx_tcf/Xilinx/[serial_id])
  • XILINX_HOST - Path to your Vivado server (default localhost)

Change the values to the appropriate ones (they be found in the Hardware Manager in Vivado GUI) and program the board:

make chs-xil-program VIVADO_MODE=batch XILINX_BOARD=vcu128 XILINX_FLAVOR=flavor

Loading binary and debugging with OpenOCD


Running Baremetal Code


Booting Linux

To boot Linux, we must load the OpenSBI firmware, which takes over M mode and launches the U-boot bootloader. U-boot then loads Linux. For more details, see Boot Flow.

Clone the carfield branch of CVA6 SDK at the root of this repository and build the firmware (OpenSBI + U-boot) and Linux images (this will take about 30 minutes):

git submodule update --init --recursive sw/deps/cva6-sdk
make -C sw/deps/cva6-sdk images

In principle, we can boot Linux through JTAG by loading all images into memory, launching OpenSBI, and instructing U-boot to load the kernel directly from memory. Here, we focus on autonomous boot from SD card or SPI flash.

In this case, OpenSBI is loaded by a regular baremetal program called the Zero-Stage Loader (ZSL). The boot ROM loads the ZSL from SD card, which then loads the device tree and firmware from other SD card partitions into memory and launches OpenSBI.

To create a full Linux disk image from the ZSL, device tree, firmware, and Linux, run:

# Place the cva6-sdk where they are expected:
ln -s sw/deps/cva6-sdk/install64 sw/boot/install64
# Optional: Pre-build explicitely the image
make CAR_ROOT=. sw/boot/linux_carfield_bd_vcu128.gpt.bin

Via SPI flash

Boards like VCU128 does not offer a SD card reader. We need to load the image in the integrated flash:

make chs-xil-flash VIVADO_MODE=batch XILINX_BOARD=vcu128 XILINX_FLAVOR=flavor

Use the parameters defined in Using command line (defaults are in target/xilinx/ to select your board:

This script will erase your bitstream, once the flash has been written (c.a. 10min) you will need to re-program the bitstream on the board. You can attach the UART port of the FPGA to minicom and see the boot process!

Via Ethernet (VCU128 only)

As flashing and reading the kernel from SPI can take a few minutes, a faster way is to ask U-Boot to fetch the image from the network. This feature can be enabled in the Carfield bd flavor. You will need to add the MAC address of your FPGA in sw/boot/mac_address.dtsi and the path to your Linux image (on a FTP server) in sw/boot/remote_boot.dtsi. You will still need to flash u-boot but it will be now faster: make chs-xil-flash VIVADO_MODE=batch XILINX_BOARD=vcu128 XILINX_FLAVOR=bd XILINX_BOOT_ETH=1

Add your own board

If you wish to add a flow for a new FPGA board, please do the following steps: Please consider opening a pull request containing the necessary changes to integrate your new board (:


Add your board on top of target/xilinx/, in particular xilinx_part and xilinx_board_long are identifying the FPGA chip and board (can be found in VIvado GUI). The parameters identifying your personal device XILINX_PORT, XILINX_FPGA_PATH, XILINX_HOST can be left empty for now.

Vanilla flow

Re-arametrize existing IPs

Carfield's emulation requires a few Vivado IPs to work properly. They are defined and pre-compiled in target/xilinx/xilinx_ips/*. If you add a new board, you will need to reconfigure your IPs for this board. For instance, to use the Vivado MIG DDR4 controller, modify target/xilinx/xilinx_ips/xlnx_mig_ddr4/run.tcl. There, add the relevant $::env(XILINX_BOARD) entry with your configuration. To know which configuration to use your board, you can open a blank project in Vivado GUI, create a blank block design, and instanciate the MIG DDR4 IP there. The Vivado TCL console should write the default parameters for your FPGA. You can later re-configure the IP in the block design and Vivado will print to the tcl console the modified parameters. Then you can copy these tcl lines to the run.tcl file. Make sure that you added your ip to target/xilinx/flavor_vanilla/ under "xilinx_ips_names_vanilla_your_board".

Add a new IP

If your board require a new IP that has not been integrated already do the following :

  • Add a new folder target/xilinx/xilinx_ips/[your_ip] taking the example of the xlnx_mig_ddr4.
  • Modify target/xilinx/xilinx_ips/[your_ip]/tcl/run.tcl and target/xilinx/xilinx_ips/[your_ip]/Makefile accordingly. > - Add your IP to target/flavor_vanilla/ under "xilinx_ips_names_vanilla_your_board".

Instantiate your IP

Connect it's top module in the top-level: target/xilinx/flavor_vanilla/src/ If your IP is a DDR controller, please add it to target/xilinx/src/ Note that this file contains a pipeline to resize AXI transactions from Cheshire to your controller.

Add the relevant macro parameters to target/xilinx/flavor_vanilla/src/ in order to disable your IP for non-relevant boards.

Add a new device tree

Each board is defined by a device-tree, when adding a new board, please add a device tree in sw/boot for each supported flavors.


It is possible to use ILA (Integrated Logic Analyzers) in order to debug some signals on the running FPGA. Add the following before declaring your signals:

// Indicate that you need to debug a signal
(* dont_touch = "yes" *) (* mark_debug = "true" *) logic signal_d0;
// You can also use the following macro from phy_definitions.svh
`ila(ila_signal_d0, signal_d0)

Then, re-build your bitstream.