Module idma_channel_coupler

Couples the R to the AW channel by keeping writes back until the corresponding

reads arrive at the DMA. This reduces the congestion in the memory system.


NumAxInFlight: int unsigned

Number of transaction that can be in-flight concurrently

AddrWidth: int unsigned

Address width

UserWidth: int unsigned

AXI user width

AxiIdWidth: int unsigned

AXI ID width

PrintFifoInfo: bit

Print the info of the FIFO configuration

axi_aw_chan_t: type

AXI 4 AW channel type

CounterWidth: int unsigned

The width of the credit counter keeping track of the transfers


clk_i: input logic


rst_ni: input logic

Asynchronous reset, active low

testmode_i: input logic

Testmode in

r_rsp_valid_i: input logic

R response valid

r_rsp_ready_i: input logic

R response ready

r_rsp_first_i: input logic

First R response

r_decouple_aw_i: input logic

Did the read originate from a decoupled request

aw_decouple_aw_i: input logic

Is the AW in the queue a decoupled request?

aw_req_i: input axi_aw_chan_t

Original meta request

aw_valid_i: input logic

Original meta request valid

aw_ready_o: output logic

Original meta request ready

aw_req_o: output axi_aw_chan_t

Modified meta request

aw_valid_o: output logic

Modified meta request valid

aw_ready_i: input logic

Modified meta request ready

busy_o: output logic

busy signal



Credit counter type


Address type


User type


ID type


aw_to_send_d: cnt_t

aw_to_send_q: cnt_t