Module idma_reg32_3d
Description: Register-based front-end for iDMA
NumRegs: int unsigned
Number of configuration register ports
NumStreams: int unsigned
Number of streams (max 16)
IdCounterWidth: int unsigned
Width of the transfer id (max 32-bit)
StreamWidth: int unsigned
Dependent parameter: Stream Idx
reg_req_t: type
Register_interface request type
reg_rsp_t: type
Register_interface response type
dma_req_t: type
DMA 1d or ND burst request type
cnt_width_t: type
Dependent type for IdCounterWidth
stream_t: type
Dependent type for StreamWidth
MaxNumStreams: int unsigned
Maximum number of streams is set to 16. It can be enlarged, but the register file
needs to be adapted too.
clk_i: input logic
rst_ni: input logic
dma_ctrl_req_i: input reg_req_t [NumRegs-1:0]
Register interface control slave
dma_ctrl_rsp_o: output reg_rsp_t [NumRegs-1:0]
dma_req_o: output dma_req_t
Request signals
req_valid_o: output logic
req_ready_i: input logic
next_id_i: input cnt_width_t
stream_idx_o: output stream_t
done_id_i: input cnt_width_t [NumStreams-1:0]
Status signals