Module idma_nd_midend
ND midend for the iDMA. This module takes an n-dimensional transfer and splits it into
individual 1d transfers handed to the backend.
NumDim: int unsigned
Number of dimensions. This has to be at least two as the first dimension is already
handled by the backend itself
addr_t: type
Address type
idma_req_t: type
1D iDMA request type
idma_rsp_t: type
iDMA response type
idma_nd_req_t: type
ND iDMA request type
RepWidths: logic [NumDim-1:0][31:0]
The width of the counters holding the number of repetitions.
StrideSelWidth: int unsigned
How many bits are required to index the counters
RepWidth: int unsigned
clk_i: input logic
rst_ni: input logic
Asynchronous reset, active low
nd_req_i: input idma_nd_req_t
ND iDMA request
nd_req_valid_i: input logic
ND iDMA request valid
nd_req_ready_o: output logic
ND iDMA request ready
nd_rsp_o: output idma_rsp_t
ND iDMA response
nd_rsp_valid_o: output logic
ND iDMA response valid
nd_rsp_ready_i: input logic
ND iDMA response ready
burst_req_o: output idma_req_t
1D iDMA request
burst_req_valid_o: output logic
1D iDMA request valid
burst_req_ready_i: input logic
1D iDMA request ready
burst_rsp_i: input idma_rsp_t
iDMA 1D response
burst_rsp_valid_i: input logic
iDMA 1D response valid
burst_rsp_ready_o: output logic
iDMA 1D response ready
busy_o: output logic
the backend is busy