Module idma_nd_midend_synth

Synthesis wrapper for the iDMA backend and the nd-midend combined.

Unpacks all the interfaces to simple logic vectors


DataWidth: int unsigned

Data width

AddrWidth: int unsigned

Address width

UserWidth: int unsigned

AXI user width

AxiIdWidth: int unsigned

AXI ID width

NumAxInFlight: int unsigned

Number of transaction that can be in-flight concurrently

BufferDepth: int unsigned

The depth of the internal reorder buffer:

TFLenWidth: int unsigned

With of a transfer: max transfer size is 2**TFLenWidth bytes

MemSysDepth: int unsigned

The depth of the memory system the backend is attached to

NumDim: int unsigned

The number of dimensions

RepWidth: int unsigned

The width of the repetition counters of all dimensions

StrideWidth: int unsigned

The supported stride width

CombinedShifter: bit

Should both data shifts be done before the dataflow element?

If this is enabled, then the data inserted into the dataflow element

will no longer be word aligned, but only a single shifter is needed

MaskInvalidData: bit

Mask invalid data on the manager interface

RAWCouplingAvail: bit

Should the R-AW coupling hardware be present? (recommended)

HardwareLegalizer: bit

Should hardware legalization be present? (recommended)

If not, software legalization is required to ensure the transfers are


RejectZeroTransfers: bit

Reject zero-length transfers

ErrorHandling: bit

Should the error handler be present?

StrbWidth: int unsigned

Strobe Width (do not override!)

OffsetWidth: int unsigned

Offset Width (do not override!)

addr_t: type

Address type (do not override!)

data_t: type

Data type (do not override!)

strb_t: type

Strobe type (do not override!)

user_t: type

User type (do not override!)

id_t: type

ID type (do not override!)

tf_len_t: type

Transfer length type (do not override!)

offset_t: type

Offset type (do not override!)

reps_t: type

Repetitions type (do not override!)

strides_t: type

Stride type (do not override!)

ErrorCap: idma_pkg::error_cap_e

Define the error handling capability

RepWidths: logic [NumDim-1:0][31:0]


clk_i: input logic

rst_ni: input logic

test_i: input logic

req_valid_i: input logic

req_ready_o: output logic

req_length_i: input tf_len_t

req_src_addr_i: input addr_t

req_dst_addr_i: input addr_t

req_axi_id_i: input id_t

req_src_protocol: input idma_pkg::protocol_e

req_src_burst_i: input axi_pkg::burst_t

req_src_cache_i: input axi_pkg::cache_t

req_src_lock_i: input logic

req_src_prot_i: input axi_pkg::prot_t

req_src_qos_i: input axi_pkg::qos_t

req_src_region_i: input axi_pkg::region_t

req_dst_protocol: input idma_pkg::protocol_e

req_dst_burst_i: input axi_pkg::burst_t

req_dst_cache_i: input axi_pkg::cache_t

req_dst_lock_i: input logic

req_dst_prot_i: input axi_pkg::prot_t

req_dst_qos_i: input axi_pkg::qos_t

req_dst_region_i: input axi_pkg::region_t

req_decouple_aw_i: input logic

req_decouple_rw_i: input logic

req_src_max_llen_i: input logic [2:0]

req_dst_max_llen_i: input logic [2:0]

req_src_reduce_len_i: input logic

req_dst_reduce_len_i: input logic

req_last_i: input logic

req_reps_i: input reps_t [NumDim-2:0]

req_src_strides_i: input strides_t [NumDim-2:0]

req_dst_strides_i: input strides_t [NumDim-2:0]

rsp_valid_o: output logic

rsp_ready_i: input logic

rsp_cause_o: output axi_pkg::resp_t

rsp_err_type_o: output idma_pkg::err_type_t

rsp_burst_addr_o: output addr_t

rsp_error_o: output logic

rsp_last_o: output logic

eh_req_valid_i: input logic

eh_req_ready_o: output logic

eh_req_i: input idma_pkg::idma_eh_req_t

idma_busy_o: output idma_pkg::idma_busy_t

nd_busy_o: output logic

axi_aw_id_o: output id_t

axi_aw_addr_o: output addr_t

axi_aw_len_o: output axi_pkg::len_t

axi_aw_size_o: output axi_pkg::size_t

axi_aw_burst_o: output axi_pkg::burst_t

axi_aw_lock_o: output logic

axi_aw_cache_o: output axi_pkg::cache_t

axi_aw_prot_o: output axi_pkg::prot_t

axi_aw_qos_o: output axi_pkg::qos_t

axi_aw_region_o: output axi_pkg::region_t

axi_aw_atop_o: output axi_pkg::atop_t

axi_aw_user_o: output user_t

axi_aw_valid_o: output logic

axi_aw_ready_i: input logic

axi_w_data_o: output data_t

axi_w_strb_o: output strb_t

axi_w_last_o: output logic

axi_w_user_o: output user_t

axi_w_valid_o: output logic

axi_w_ready_i: input logic

axi_b_id_i: input id_t

axi_b_resp_i: input axi_pkg::resp_t

axi_b_user_i: input user_t

axi_b_valid_i: input logic

axi_b_ready_o: output logic

axi_ar_id_o: output id_t

axi_ar_addr_o: output addr_t

axi_ar_len_o: output axi_pkg::len_t

axi_ar_size_o: output axi_pkg::size_t

axi_ar_burst_o: output axi_pkg::burst_t

axi_ar_lock_o: output logic

axi_ar_cache_o: output axi_pkg::cache_t

axi_ar_prot_o: output axi_pkg::prot_t

axi_ar_qos_o: output axi_pkg::qos_t

axi_ar_region_o: output axi_pkg::region_t

axi_ar_user_o: output user_t

axi_ar_valid_o: output logic

axi_ar_ready_i: input logic

axi_r_id_i: input id_t

axi_r_data_i: input data_t

axi_r_resp_i: input axi_pkg::resp_t

axi_r_last_i: input logic

axi_r_user_i: input user_t

axi_r_valid_i: input logic

axi_r_ready_o: output logic



Option struct: AXI4 id as well as AXI and backend options


1D iDMA request type:


1D iDMA response payload:


1D iDMA response type:


Sub-type: holds additional information required by one dimensions.


ND iDMA request type. Union of a 1D iDMA request (innermost dimension) and the configuration



axi_req_o: axi_req_t

axi_read_req: axi_req_t

axi_write_req: axi_req_t

axi_rsp_i: axi_rsp_t

axi_read_rsp: axi_rsp_t

axi_write_rsp: axi_rsp_t

idma_req: idma_req_t

idma_rsp: idma_rsp_t

nd_req: idma_nd_req_t

nd_rsp: idma_rsp_t

d_req: idma_d_req_t