Name | |
void | plp_cfft_radix4by2_q16(int16_t * pSrc, uint32_t fftLen, const int16_t * pCoef) |
void | plp_radix4_butterfly_q16(int16_t * pSrc16, uint32_t fftLen, int16_t * pCoef16, uint32_t twidCoefModifier) Core function for the Q15 CFFT butterfly process. |
void | plp_cfft_q16s_rv32im(const plp_cfft_instance_q16 * S, int16_t * p1, uint8_t ifftFlag, uint8_t bitReverseFlag, uint32_t deciPoint) Quantized 16 bit complex fast fourier transform for RV32IM. |
Functions Documentation
function plp_cfft_radix4by2_q16
static void plp_cfft_radix4by2_q16(
int16_t * pSrc,
uint32_t fftLen,
const int16_t * pCoef
function plp_radix4_butterfly_q16
static void plp_radix4_butterfly_q16(
int16_t * pSrc16,
uint32_t fftLen,
int16_t * pCoef16,
uint32_t twidCoefModifier
Core function for the Q15 CFFT butterfly process.
- *pSrc16 points to the in-place buffer of Q15 data type.
- fftLen length of the FFT.
- *pCoef16 points to twiddle coefficient buffer.
- twidCoefModifier twiddle coefficient modifier that supports different size FFTs with the same twiddle factor table.
Return: none.
function plp_cfft_q16s_rv32im
void plp_cfft_q16s_rv32im(
const plp_cfft_instance_q16 * S,
int16_t * p1,
uint8_t ifftFlag,
uint8_t bitReverseFlag,
uint32_t deciPoint
Quantized 16 bit complex fast fourier transform for RV32IM.
- S points to an instance of the 16bit quantized CFFT structure
- p1 points to the complex data buffer of size
. Processing occurs in-place. - ifftFlag flag that selects forward (ifftFlag=0) or inverse (ifftFlag=1) transform.
- bitReverseFlag flag that enables (bitReverseFlag=1) of disables (bitReverseFlag=0) bit reversal of output.
- deciPoint decimal point for right shift
Source code
/* =====================================================================
* Project: PULP DSP Library
* Title: plp_cfft_q16s_rv32im.c
* Description: 16-bit fixed point Fast Fourier Transform on Compled Input Data
* $Date: 30. June 2020
* $Revision: V0
* Target Processor: PULP cores
* ===================================================================== */
* Copyright (C) 2020 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna. All rights reserved.
* Author: Michael Rogenmoser, ETH Zurich
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "plp_math.h"
static void plp_cfft_radix4by2_q16(int16_t *pSrc, uint32_t fftLen, const int16_t *pCoef);
static void plp_radix4_butterfly_q16(int16_t *pSrc16,
uint32_t fftLen,
int16_t *pCoef16,
uint32_t twidCoefModifier);
void plp_cfft_q16s_rv32im(const plp_cfft_instance_q16 *S,
int16_t *p1,
uint8_t ifftFlag,
uint8_t bitReverseFlag,
uint32_t deciPoint) {
uint32_t L = S->fftLen;
if (ifftFlag == 0) {
switch (L) {
case 16:
case 64:
case 256:
case 1024:
case 4096:
plp_radix4_butterfly_q16(p1, L, (int16_t *)S->pTwiddle, 1);
case 32:
case 128:
case 512:
case 2048:
plp_cfft_radix4by2_q16(p1, L, (int16_t *)S->pTwiddle);
if (bitReverseFlag)
plp_bitreversal_16s_rv32im((uint16_t *)p1, S->bitRevLength, S->pBitRevTable);
void plp_cfft_radix4by2_q16(int16_t *pSrc, uint32_t fftLen, const int16_t *pCoef) {
uint32_t i;
uint32_t n2;
int16_t p0, p1, p2, p3;
uint32_t l;
int16_t xt, yt, cosVal, sinVal;
n2 = fftLen >> 1;
for (i = 0; i < n2; i++) {
cosVal = pCoef[i * 2];
sinVal = pCoef[(i * 2) + 1];
l = i + n2;
xt = (pSrc[2 * i] >> 1U) - (pSrc[2 * l] >> 1U);
pSrc[2 * i] = ((pSrc[2 * i] >> 1U) + (pSrc[2 * l] >> 1U)) >> 1U;
yt = (pSrc[2 * i + 1] >> 1U) - (pSrc[2 * l + 1] >> 1U);
pSrc[2 * i + 1] = ((pSrc[2 * l + 1] >> 1U) + (pSrc[2 * i + 1] >> 1U)) >> 1U;
pSrc[2U * l] =
(((int16_t)(((int32_t)xt * cosVal) >> 16)) + ((int16_t)(((int32_t)yt * sinVal) >> 16)));
pSrc[2U * l + 1U] =
(((int16_t)(((int32_t)yt * cosVal) >> 16)) - ((int16_t)(((int32_t)xt * sinVal) >> 16)));
// first col
plp_radix4_butterfly_q16(pSrc, n2, (int16_t *)pCoef, 2U);
// second col
plp_radix4_butterfly_q16(pSrc + fftLen, n2, (int16_t *)pCoef, 2U);
for (i = 0; i < (fftLen >> 1); i++) {
p0 = pSrc[4 * i + 0];
p1 = pSrc[4 * i + 1];
p2 = pSrc[4 * i + 2];
p3 = pSrc[4 * i + 3];
p0 <<= 1;
p1 <<= 1;
p2 <<= 1;
p3 <<= 1;
pSrc[4 * i + 0] = p0;
pSrc[4 * i + 1] = p1;
pSrc[4 * i + 2] = p2;
pSrc[4 * i + 3] = p3;
* Radix-4 FFT algorithm used is :
* Input real and imaginary data:
* x(n) = xa + j * ya
* x(n+N/4 ) = xb + j * yb
* x(n+N/2 ) = xc + j * yc
* x(n+3N 4) = xd + j * yd
* Output real and imaginary data:
* x(4r) = xa'+ j * ya'
* x(4r+1) = xb'+ j * yb'
* x(4r+2) = xc'+ j * yc'
* x(4r+3) = xd'+ j * yd'
* Twiddle factors for radix-4 FFT:
* Wn = co1 + j * (- si1)
* W2n = co2 + j * (- si2)
* W3n = co3 + j * (- si3)
* The real and imaginary output values for the radix-4 butterfly are
* xa' = xa + xb + xc + xd
* ya' = ya + yb + yc + yd
* xb' = (xa+yb-xc-yd)* co1 + (ya-xb-yc+xd)* (si1)
* yb' = (ya-xb-yc+xd)* co1 - (xa+yb-xc-yd)* (si1)
* xc' = (xa-xb+xc-xd)* co2 + (ya-yb+yc-yd)* (si2)
* yc' = (ya-yb+yc-yd)* co2 - (xa-xb+xc-xd)* (si2)
* xd' = (xa-yb-xc+yd)* co3 + (ya+xb-yc-xd)* (si3)
* yd' = (ya+xb-yc-xd)* co3 - (xa-yb-xc+yd)* (si3)
void plp_radix4_butterfly_q16(int16_t *pSrc16,
uint32_t fftLen,
int16_t *pCoef16,
uint32_t twidCoefModifier) {
int16_t R0, R1, S0, S1, T0, T1, U0, U1;
int16_t Co1, Si1, Co2, Si2, Co3, Si3, out1, out2;
uint32_t n1, n2, ic, i0, i1, i2, i3, j, k;
/* Total process is divided into three stages */
/* process first stage, middle stages, & last stage */
/* Initializations for the first stage */
n2 = fftLen;
n1 = n2;
/* n2 = fftLen/4 */
n2 >>= 2U;
/*Index for twiddle coefficient */
ic = 0U;
/*Index for input read and output write */
i0 = 0U;
j = n2;
/* Input is in 1.15(q15) format */
/* start of first stage process */
do {
/* Butterfly implementation */
/* index calculation for the input as, */
/* pSrc16[i0 + 0], pSrc16[i0 + fftLen/4], pSrc16[i0 + fftLen/2], pSrc16[i0 + 3fftLen/4] */
i1 = i0 + n2;
i2 = i1 + n2;
i3 = i2 + n2;
/* Reading i0, i0+fftLen/2 inputs */
/* input is down scale by 4 to avoid overflow */
/* Read ya (real), xa (imag) input */
T0 = pSrc16[i0 * 2U] >> 2U;
T1 = pSrc16[(i0 * 2U) + 1U] >> 2U;
/* input is down scale by 4 to avoid overflow */
/* Read yc (real), xc(imag) input */
S0 = pSrc16[i2 * 2U] >> 2U;
S1 = pSrc16[(i2 * 2U) + 1U] >> 2U;
/* R0 = (ya + yc) */
R0 = __CLIP(T0 + S0, 15);
/* R1 = (xa + xc) */
R1 = __CLIP(T1 + S1, 15);
/* S0 = (ya - yc) */
S0 = __CLIP(T0 - S0, 15);
/* S1 = (xa - xc) */
S1 = __CLIP(T1 - S1, 15);
/* Reading i0+fftLen/4 , i0+3fftLen/4 inputs */
/* input is down scale by 4 to avoid overflow */
/* Read yb (real), xb(imag) input */
T0 = pSrc16[i1 * 2U] >> 2U;
T1 = pSrc16[(i1 * 2U) + 1U] >> 2U;
/* input is down scale by 4 to avoid overflow */
/* Read yd (real), xd(imag) input */
U0 = pSrc16[i3 * 2U] >> 2U;
U1 = pSrc16[(i3 * 2U) + 1] >> 2U;
/* T0 = (yb + yd) */
T0 = __CLIP(T0 + U0, 15);
/* T1 = (xb + xd) */
T1 = __CLIP(T1 + U1, 15);
/* writing the butterfly processed i0 sample */
/* ya' = ya + yb + yc + yd */
/* xa' = xa + xb + xc + xd */
pSrc16[i0 * 2U] = (R0 >> 1U) + (T0 >> 1U);
pSrc16[(i0 * 2U) + 1U] = (R1 >> 1U) + (T1 >> 1U);
/* R0 = (ya + yc) - (yb + yd) */
/* R1 = (xa + xc) - (xb + xd) */
R0 = __CLIP(R0 - T0, 15);
R1 = __CLIP(R1 - T1, 15);
/* co2 & si2 are read from Coefficient pointer */
Co2 = pCoef16[2U * ic * 2U];
Si2 = pCoef16[(2U * ic * 2U) + 1];
/* xc' = (xa-xb+xc-xd)* co2 + (ya-yb+yc-yd)* (si2) */
out1 = (int16_t)((Co2 * R0 + Si2 * R1) >> 16U);
/* yc' = (ya-yb+yc-yd)* co2 - (xa-xb+xc-xd)* (si2) */
out2 = (int16_t)((-Si2 * R0 + Co2 * R1) >> 16U);
/* Reading i0+fftLen/4 */
/* input is down scale by 4 to avoid overflow */
/* T0 = yb, T1 = xb */
T0 = pSrc16[i1 * 2U] >> 2;
T1 = pSrc16[(i1 * 2U) + 1] >> 2;
/* writing the butterfly processed i0 + fftLen/4 sample */
/* writing output(xc', yc') in little endian format */
pSrc16[i1 * 2U] = out1;
pSrc16[(i1 * 2U) + 1] = out2;
/* Butterfly calculations */
/* input is down scale by 4 to avoid overflow */
/* U0 = yd, U1 = xd */
U0 = pSrc16[i3 * 2U] >> 2;
U1 = pSrc16[(i3 * 2U) + 1] >> 2;
/* T0 = yb-yd */
T0 = __CLIP(T0 - U0, 15);
/* T1 = xb-xd */
T1 = __CLIP(T1 - U1, 15);
/* R1 = (ya-yc) + (xb- xd), R0 = (xa-xc) - (yb-yd)) */
R0 = (int16_t)__CLIP((int32_t)(S0 - T1), 15);
R1 = (int16_t)__CLIP((int32_t)(S1 + T0), 15);
/* S1 = (ya-yc) - (xb- xd), S0 = (xa-xc) + (yb-yd)) */
S0 = (int16_t)__CLIP(((int32_t)S0 + T1), 15);
S1 = (int16_t)__CLIP(((int32_t)S1 - T0), 15);
/* co1 & si1 are read from Coefficient pointer */
Co1 = pCoef16[ic * 2U];
Si1 = pCoef16[(ic * 2U) + 1];
/* Butterfly process for the i0+fftLen/2 sample */
/* xb' = (xa+yb-xc-yd)* co1 + (ya-xb-yc+xd)* (si1) */
out1 = (int16_t)((Si1 * S1 + Co1 * S0) >> 16);
/* yb' = (ya-xb-yc+xd)* co1 - (xa+yb-xc-yd)* (si1) */
out2 = (int16_t)((-Si1 * S0 + Co1 * S1) >> 16);
/* writing output(xb', yb') in little endian format */
pSrc16[i2 * 2U] = out1;
pSrc16[(i2 * 2U) + 1] = out2;
/* Co3 & si3 are read from Coefficient pointer */
Co3 = pCoef16[3U * (ic * 2U)];
Si3 = pCoef16[(3U * (ic * 2U)) + 1];
/* Butterfly process for the i0+3fftLen/4 sample */
/* xd' = (xa-yb-xc+yd)* Co3 + (ya+xb-yc-xd)* (si3) */
out1 = (int16_t)((Si3 * R1 + Co3 * R0) >> 16U);
/* yd' = (ya+xb-yc-xd)* Co3 - (xa-yb-xc+yd)* (si3) */
out2 = (int16_t)((-Si3 * R0 + Co3 * R1) >> 16U);
/* writing output(xd', yd') in little endian format */
pSrc16[i3 * 2U] = out1;
pSrc16[(i3 * 2U) + 1] = out2;
/* Twiddle coefficients index modifier */
ic = ic + twidCoefModifier;
/* Updating input index */
i0 = i0 + 1U;
} while (--j);
/* data is in 4.11(q11) format */
/* end of first stage process */
/* start of middle stage process */
/* Twiddle coefficients index modifier */
twidCoefModifier <<= 2U;
/* Calculation of Middle stage */
for (k = fftLen / 4U; k > 4U; k >>= 2U) {
/* Initializations for the middle stage */
n1 = n2;
n2 >>= 2U;
ic = 0U;
for (j = 0U; j <= (n2 - 1U); j++) {
/* index calculation for the coefficients */
Co1 = pCoef16[ic * 2U];
Si1 = pCoef16[(ic * 2U) + 1U];
Co2 = pCoef16[2U * (ic * 2U)];
Si2 = pCoef16[(2U * (ic * 2U)) + 1U];
Co3 = pCoef16[3U * (ic * 2U)];
Si3 = pCoef16[(3U * (ic * 2U)) + 1U];
/* Twiddle coefficients index modifier */
ic = ic + twidCoefModifier;
/* Butterfly implementation */
for (i0 = j; i0 < fftLen; i0 += n1) {
/* index calculation for the input as, */
/* pSrc16[i0 + 0], pSrc16[i0 + fftLen/4], pSrc16[i0 + fftLen/2], pSrc16[i0 +
* 3fftLen/4] */
i1 = i0 + n2;
i2 = i1 + n2;
i3 = i2 + n2;
/* Reading i0, i0+fftLen/2 inputs */
/* Read ya (real), xa(imag) input */
T0 = pSrc16[i0 * 2U];
T1 = pSrc16[(i0 * 2U) + 1U];
/* Read yc (real), xc(imag) input */
S0 = pSrc16[i2 * 2U];
S1 = pSrc16[(i2 * 2U) + 1U];
/* R0 = (ya + yc), R1 = (xa + xc) */
R0 = __CLIP(T0 + S0, 15);
R1 = __CLIP(T1 + S1, 15);
/* S0 = (ya - yc), S1 =(xa - xc) */
S0 = __CLIP(T0 - S0, 15);
S1 = __CLIP(T1 - S1, 15);
/* Reading i0+fftLen/4 , i0+3fftLen/4 inputs */
/* Read yb (real), xb(imag) input */
T0 = pSrc16[i1 * 2U];
T1 = pSrc16[(i1 * 2U) + 1U];
/* Read yd (real), xd(imag) input */
U0 = pSrc16[i3 * 2U];
U1 = pSrc16[(i3 * 2U) + 1U];
/* T0 = (yb + yd), T1 = (xb + xd) */
T0 = __CLIP(T0 + U0, 15);
T1 = __CLIP(T1 + U1, 15);
/* writing the butterfly processed i0 sample */
/* xa' = xa + xb + xc + xd */
/* ya' = ya + yb + yc + yd */
out1 = ((R0 >> 1U) + (T0 >> 1U)) >> 1U;
out2 = ((R1 >> 1U) + (T1 >> 1U)) >> 1U;
pSrc16[i0 * 2U] = out1;
pSrc16[(2U * i0) + 1U] = out2;
/* R0 = (ya + yc) - (yb + yd), R1 = (xa + xc) - (xb + xd) */
R0 = (R0 >> 1U) - (T0 >> 1U);
R1 = (R1 >> 1U) - (T1 >> 1U);
/* (ya-yb+yc-yd)* (si2) + (xa-xb+xc-xd)* co2 */
out1 = (int16_t)((Co2 * R0 + Si2 * R1) >> 16U);
/* (ya-yb+yc-yd)* co2 - (xa-xb+xc-xd)* (si2) */
out2 = (int16_t)((-Si2 * R0 + Co2 * R1) >> 16U);
/* Reading i0+3fftLen/4 */
/* Read yb (real), xb(imag) input */
T0 = pSrc16[i1 * 2U];
T1 = pSrc16[(i1 * 2U) + 1U];
/* writing the butterfly processed i0 + fftLen/4 sample */
/* xc' = (xa-xb+xc-xd)* co2 + (ya-yb+yc-yd)* (si2) */
/* yc' = (ya-yb+yc-yd)* co2 - (xa-xb+xc-xd)* (si2) */
pSrc16[i1 * 2U] = out1;
pSrc16[(i1 * 2U) + 1U] = out2;
/* Butterfly calculations */
/* Read yd (real), xd(imag) input */
U0 = pSrc16[i3 * 2U];
U1 = pSrc16[(i3 * 2U) + 1U];
/* T0 = yb-yd, T1 = xb-xd */
T0 = __CLIP(T0 - U0, 15);
T1 = __CLIP(T1 - U1, 15);
/* R0 = (ya-yc) + (xb- xd), R1 = (xa-xc) - (yb-yd)) */
R0 = (S0 >> 1U) - (T1 >> 1U);
R1 = (S1 >> 1U) + (T0 >> 1U);
/* S0 = (ya-yc) - (xb- xd), S1 = (xa-xc) + (yb-yd)) */
S0 = (S0 >> 1U) + (T1 >> 1U);
S1 = (S1 >> 1U) - (T0 >> 1U);
/* Butterfly process for the i0+fftLen/2 sample */
out1 = (int16_t)((Co1 * S0 + Si1 * S1) >> 16U);
out2 = (int16_t)((-Si1 * S0 + Co1 * S1) >> 16U);
/* xb' = (xa+yb-xc-yd)* co1 + (ya-xb-yc+xd)* (si1) */
/* yb' = (ya-xb-yc+xd)* co1 - (xa+yb-xc-yd)* (si1) */
pSrc16[i2 * 2U] = out1;
pSrc16[(i2 * 2U) + 1U] = out2;
/* Butterfly process for the i0+3fftLen/4 sample */
out1 = (int16_t)((Si3 * R1 + Co3 * R0) >> 16U);
out2 = (int16_t)((-Si3 * R0 + Co3 * R1) >> 16U);
/* xd' = (xa-yb-xc+yd)* Co3 + (ya+xb-yc-xd)* (si3) */
/* yd' = (ya+xb-yc-xd)* Co3 - (xa-yb-xc+yd)* (si3) */
pSrc16[i3 * 2U] = out1;
pSrc16[(i3 * 2U) + 1U] = out2;
/* Twiddle coefficients index modifier */
twidCoefModifier <<= 2U;
/* end of middle stage process */
/* data is in 10.6(q6) format for the 1024 point */
/* data is in 8.8(q8) format for the 256 point */
/* data is in 6.10(q10) format for the 64 point */
/* data is in 4.12(q12) format for the 16 point */
/* Initializations for the last stage */
n1 = n2;
n2 >>= 2U;
/* start of last stage process */
/* Butterfly implementation */
for (i0 = 0U; i0 <= (fftLen - n1); i0 += n1) {
/* index calculation for the input as, */
/* pSrc16[i0 + 0], pSrc16[i0 + fftLen/4], pSrc16[i0 + fftLen/2], pSrc16[i0 + 3fftLen/4] */
i1 = i0 + n2;
i2 = i1 + n2;
i3 = i2 + n2;
/* Reading i0, i0+fftLen/2 inputs */
/* Read ya (real), xa(imag) input */
T0 = pSrc16[i0 * 2U];
T1 = pSrc16[(i0 * 2U) + 1U];
/* Read yc (real), xc(imag) input */
S0 = pSrc16[i2 * 2U];
S1 = pSrc16[(i2 * 2U) + 1U];
/* R0 = (ya + yc), R1 = (xa + xc) */
R0 = __CLIP(T0 + S0, 15);
R1 = __CLIP(T1 + S1, 15);
/* S0 = (ya - yc), S1 = (xa - xc) */
S0 = __CLIP(T0 - S0, 15);
S1 = __CLIP(T1 - S1, 15);
/* Reading i0+fftLen/4 , i0+3fftLen/4 inputs */
/* Read yb (real), xb(imag) input */
T0 = pSrc16[i1 * 2U];
T1 = pSrc16[(i1 * 2U) + 1U];
/* Read yd (real), xd(imag) input */
U0 = pSrc16[i3 * 2U];
U1 = pSrc16[(i3 * 2U) + 1U];
/* T0 = (yb + yd), T1 = (xb + xd)) */
T0 = __CLIP(T0 + U0, 15);
T1 = __CLIP(T1 + U1, 15);
/* writing the butterfly processed i0 sample */
/* xa' = xa + xb + xc + xd */
/* ya' = ya + yb + yc + yd */
pSrc16[i0 * 2U] = (R0 >> 1U) + (T0 >> 1U);
pSrc16[(i0 * 2U) + 1U] = (R1 >> 1U) + (T1 >> 1U);
/* R0 = (ya + yc) - (yb + yd), R1 = (xa + xc) - (xb + xd) */
R0 = (R0 >> 1U) - (T0 >> 1U);
R1 = (R1 >> 1U) - (T1 >> 1U);
/* Read yb (real), xb(imag) input */
T0 = pSrc16[i1 * 2U];
T1 = pSrc16[(i1 * 2U) + 1U];
/* writing the butterfly processed i0 + fftLen/4 sample */
/* xc' = (xa-xb+xc-xd) */
/* yc' = (ya-yb+yc-yd) */
pSrc16[i1 * 2U] = R0;
pSrc16[(i1 * 2U) + 1U] = R1;
/* Read yd (real), xd(imag) input */
U0 = pSrc16[i3 * 2U];
U1 = pSrc16[(i3 * 2U) + 1U];
/* T0 = (yb - yd), T1 = (xb - xd) */
T0 = __CLIP(T0 - U0, 15);
T1 = __CLIP(T1 - U1, 15);
/* writing the butterfly processed i0 + fftLen/2 sample */
/* xb' = (xa+yb-xc-yd) */
/* yb' = (ya-xb-yc+xd) */
pSrc16[i2 * 2U] = (S0 >> 1U) + (T1 >> 1U);
pSrc16[(i2 * 2U) + 1U] = (S1 >> 1U) - (T0 >> 1U);
/* writing the butterfly processed i0 + 3fftLen/4 sample */
/* xd' = (xa-yb-xc+yd) */
/* yd' = (ya+xb-yc-xd) */
pSrc16[i3 * 2U] = (S0 >> 1U) - (T1 >> 1U);
pSrc16[(i3 * 2U) + 1U] = (S1 >> 1U) + (T0 >> 1U);
/* end of last stage process */
/* output is in 11.5(q5) format for the 1024 point */
/* output is in 9.7(q7) format for the 256 point */
/* output is in 7.9(q9) format for the 64 point */
/* output is in 5.11(q11) format for the 16 point */
Updated on 2023-03-01 at 16:16:33 +0000