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parameters for double-precision fusedconv kernel

#include <conv2d.h>

Public Attributes

double * pInBuffer
uint16_t dim_in_x
uint16_t dim_in_y
uint16_t ch_in
double * pWeight
uint16_t ch_out
uint16_t dim_kernel_x
uint16_t dim_kernel_y
uint16_t padding_y_top
uint16_t padding_y_bottom
uint16_t padding_x_left
uint16_t padding_x_right
uint16_t stride_x
uint16_t stride_y
int8_t * bias
uint16_t bias_shift
uint16_t out_shift
uint16_t out_mult
double * pOutBuffer
uint16_t dim_out_x
uint16_t dim_out_y
double * kappa
double * lambda
uint8_t * pIm2ColBuffer
int flag_relu
int flag_batch_norm
int flag_y_accumulate_start
int flag_y_accumulate_end
unsigned int * memory_chan

Public Attributes Documentation

variable pInBuffer

double * pInBuffer;

pointer to the input feature map

variable dim_in_x

uint16_t dim_in_x;

width of input feature map

variable dim_in_y

uint16_t dim_in_y;

height of input feature map

variable ch_in

uint16_t ch_in;

number of input channels

variable pWeight

double * pWeight;

pointer to weights

variable ch_out

uint16_t ch_out;

number of output channels

variable dim_kernel_x

uint16_t dim_kernel_x;

width of kernel

variable dim_kernel_y

uint16_t dim_kernel_y;

height of kernel

variable padding_y_top

uint16_t padding_y_top;

number of pixels padded on the top

variable padding_y_bottom

uint16_t padding_y_bottom;

number of pixels padded on the bottom

variable padding_x_left

uint16_t padding_x_left;

number of pixels padded on the left

variable padding_x_right

uint16_t padding_x_right;

number of pixels padded on the right

variable stride_x

uint16_t stride_x;

stride in x direction

variable stride_y

uint16_t stride_y;

stride in y direction

variable bias

int8_t * bias;

bias of convolution (currently not used)

variable bias_shift

uint16_t bias_shift;

bias shift of convolution (currently not used)

variable out_shift

uint16_t out_shift;

shift factor for requantization (not used for floating point)

variable out_mult

uint16_t out_mult;

mult factor for requantization (not used for floating point)

variable pOutBuffer

double * pOutBuffer;

pointer to output feature map

variable dim_out_x

uint16_t dim_out_x;

width of output feature map

variable dim_out_y

uint16_t dim_out_y;

height of output feature map

variable kappa

double * kappa;

multiplication factor for BatchNorm

variable lambda

double * lambda;

bias for BatchNorm

variable pIm2ColBuffer

uint8_t * pIm2ColBuffer;

pointer to im2col Buffer (not used)

variable flag_relu

int flag_relu;

RELU activation flag

variable flag_batch_norm

int flag_batch_norm;

BatchNorm flag

variable flag_y_accumulate_start

int flag_y_accumulate_start;

indicates that output feature map is initizialized with zeros

variable flag_y_accumulate_end

int flag_y_accumulate_end;

indicates that BN, RELU can be performed

variable memory_chan

unsigned int * memory_chan;

Not used

Updated on 2023-06-19 at 09:43:56 +0000