
class Deeploy.TilingExtension.TilerModel.TilerModel(copyIdxSuffix: str | None = None, searchStrategy: Literal['min', 'max', 'random-max'] = 'random-max')

Bases: object


__init__(copyIdxSuffix: str | None = None, searchStrategy: Literal['min', 'max', 'random-max'] = 'random-max')

__init__([copyIdxSuffix, searchStrategy])

addConstraint(constraintExpression[, ...])

addMinTileSizeConstraint(...[, prefix, strategy])

addObjective(objective, objectiveType)

addTensorDimToModel(ctxt, tensorName[, copyIdx])

Add every dimensions of an unseen tensors in the given list as Integer Variable of the Model and the context.

addTensorNumOfEltToModel(ctxt, tensorName[, ...])

For each tensor in the given list, add a variable equal to the product of dimension variables of this tensor.

addTileSizeDivisibleConstraint(...[, ...])

addTransientBufferSizeToModel(tensorName, ...)

addVariable(name, lowerBound, upperBound[, ...])


existsCopyIdx(name[, copyIdx])


getTensorDimVar(tensorName, dimIdx[, copyIdx])

getTensorNumberOfEltVar(tensorName[, copyIdx])

getVariable(name[, copyIdx])


addTensorDimToModel(ctxt: NetworkContext, tensorName: str, copyIdx: int | None = None)

Add every dimensions of an unseen tensors in the given list as Integer Variable of the Model and the context. Namespace of added variables is: f”{}_dim_{idx}”.

addTensorNumOfEltToModel(ctxt: NetworkContext, tensorName: str, copyIdx: int | None = None)

For each tensor in the given list, add a variable equal to the product of dimension variables of this tensor. Namespace of those new variables are f”{}_num_elements”.