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Carfield is a complex platform, therefore the case of it being integrated in larger SoCs is rare. A more common scenario is the use of Carfield in a ASIC wrapper that includes bidirectional pads, clock generation blocks (PLLs, FLLs...) or other circuitry.

This page explain how to integrate Carfield to fulfill on of these needs. Since Carfield heavily relies on Cheshire, for better understanding we suggest to integrate this reading with its equivalent in the Cheshire's documentation.

Using Carfield In Your Project

As for internal targets, Carfield must be built before use in external projects. We aim to simplify this as much as possible with a portable make fragment,

If you use GNU Make to build your project and Bender to handle dependencies, you can include the Carfield build system into your own makefile with:

include $(shell bender path carfield)/

All of Carfield's build targets are available with the prefix car-.

You can leverage this to ensure your Carfield build is up to date and rebuild hardware and software whenever necessary. You can change the default value of any build parameter, replace source files to adapt Carfield, or reuse parts of its build system, such as the software stack or the register and ROM generators.

Instantiating Carfield

A minimal clean instantiation would look as follows:

`include "cheshire/typedef.svh"

// Define function to derive configuration from defaults.
// This could also (preferrably) be done in a system package.
function automatic cheshire_pkg::cheshire_cfg_t gen_cheshire_cfg();
  cheshire_pkg::cheshire_cfg_t ret = cheshire_pkg::DefaultCfg;
  // Make overriding changes. Here, we add two AXI manager ports
  ret.AxiExtNumMst = 2;
  return ret;

localparam cheshire_cfg_t CheshireCfg = gen_cheshire_cfg();

// Generate interface types prefixed by `csh_` from our configuration.
`CHESHIRE_TYPEDEF_ALL(csh_, CheshireCfg)

// Instantiate Cheshire with our configuration and interface types.
  carfield      #(
    .Cfg         ( DutCfg    ),
    .HypNumPhys  ( NumPhys   ),
    .HypNumChips ( NumChips  ),
    .reg_req_t   ( reg_req_t ),
    .reg_rsp_t   ( reg_rsp_t )
  ) dut                       (
  // ... IOs here ...

Verifying Carfield In-System

To simplify the simulation and verification of Carfield in other systems or top-level wrappers (e.g., ASIC), we provide a monolithic block of verification IPs called carfield_vip. This is used along with the X_vip modules provided for other domains. Their description can be found in the dedicated domain's documentation. In particular, carfield_vip currently includes:

  • Preloadable Cypress HyperRAM models (used to simulate boot).

Additionally, we provide a module carfield_vip_tristate which adapts the unidirectional IO of this module to bidirectional IOs which may be interfaced with pads where necessary.