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Cheshire Block Diagram

Cheshire is highly configurable; available features and resources depend on its parameterization. The above block diagram depicts a fully-featured Cheshire SoC, which currently provides:

  • Cores:

    • Up to 31 Linux-capable CVA6 cores with self-invalidation-based coherence
    • A RISC-V debug module with JTAG transport
  • Peripherals:

    • Various standard IO interfaces (UART, I2C, SPI, and GPIOs)
    • A boot ROM enabling boot from SD cards, SPI flash, or I2C EEPROM
    • A VGA display controller with built-in DMA
    • A fully-digital chip-to-chip or die-to-die serial link
    • A high-throughput system DMA
  • Interconnect:

    • A last level cache (LLC) configurable as a scratchpad memory (SPM) per-way
    • Up to 16 external AXI4 manager ports and 16 AXI and Regbus subordinate ports
    • Per-manager AXI4 traffic regulators for real-time applications
    • Per-manager AXI4 bus error units (UNBENT) for interconnect error handling
  • Interrupts:

    • Core-local (CLINT and CLIC) and platform (PLIC) interrupt controllers
    • Dynamic interrupt routing from and to internal and external targets.

Memory Map

Cheshire's internal memory map is static. While device instantiation and layout may vary, each device is provided an address space of fixed location and size. For this, Cheshire reserves the address space from 0x0 to 0x2000_0000, which is currently allocated as follows:






256K periphs @ AXI

Debug ROM




4K periphs @ AXI




256K periphs @ Reg

Boot ROM







IRQ router



AXI RT (Cfg)



4K periphs @ Reg

SoC Regs



LLC (Cfg)









SPI Host






Serial Link (Cfg)



VGA (Cfg)



USB 1.1 (Cfg)






INTCs @ Reg
















The flags are defined as follows:

  • Cacheable: Accessed data may be cached in the L1 or LLC caches
  • Idempotent: Multiple identical or composing accesses are equivalent to one access
  • Executable: Data in this region may be executed.

Additionally, Cheshire assumes the following parameterized layout for external resources:

Block Start End Flags
External on-chip 0x2000_0000 0x8000_0000 (Param.)
LLC out (DRAM) LlcOutRegionStart LlcOutRegionEnd CIE
Serial Link SlinkRegionStart SlinkRegionEnd

The external on-chip region is split into one subregion with full CIE flags and one without flags to minimize parameterization complexity. The Cva6ExtCieOnTop and Cva6ExtCieLength parameters control the order and partitioning of these two regions, respectively.

The LLC out region must not collide with any other regions and defaults on starting at the lowest available address, 0x8000_0000. The Serial Link region defaults on starting at 0x1_0000_0000, configuring the SlinkTxAddrMask and SlinkTxAddrDomain parameters to mirror the lower 32-bit space of another identical chip from this address base.

Components and Parameters

Except for external hart debug info and interface types (see Instantiating Cheshire), Cheshire is fully parameterized through its Cfg struct parameter. We will first describe global parameters, then discuss the functionality and parameterization of each component individually.

For defaults of any parameters, cheshire_pkg::DefaultCfg is the single source of truth. Note, however, that this does not mean DefaultCfg parameters are suitable for your system or usecase; please carefully consider and choose all parameters in your instantiation.

The following global parameters control basic functionality and features and can be read by software in the SoC Registers:

Parameter Type / Range Description
RtcFreq word_bt Frequency (Hz) configured for real-time clock
PlatformRom word_bt Address of platform ROM; see Boot ROM
Bootrom bit Whether boot ROM is available
Uart bit Whether UART is available
I2c bit Whether I2C host is available
SpiHost bit Whether SPI is available
Gpio bit Whether GPIO is available
Dma bit Whether DMA is available
SerialLink bit Whether serial link is available
Vga bit Whether VGA is available
Usb bit Whether USB 1.1 (OHCI) host is available
AxiRt bit Whether AXI RT is available
Clic bit Whether CLIC is available
IrqRouter bit Whether IRQ Router is available
BusErr bit Whether UNBENT (bus error unit) is available

CVA6 Cores

Cheshire defaults on using CVA6 with hypervisor and CLIC support enabled; RV32 configurations are not supported. Most parameters for the CVA6 cores are derived from Cheshire's configuration or immutable. The available core parameters are listed below:

Parameter Type / Range Description
NumCores 1..31 Number of instantiated CVA6 cores
Cva6RASDepth shrt_bt Depth of CVA6 return address stack (RAS)
Cva6(BTB|BHT|NrPMP)Entries shrt_bt Number of BTB, BHT, and PMP entries in CVA6
Cva6ExtCieLength doub_bt CIE subregion length in external on-chip region
Cva6ExtCieOnTop bit Whether CIE subregion is on top or bottom
CoreMaxTxns dw_bt Maximum total AXI4 transactions per core
CoreMaxTxnsPerId dw_bt Maximum total AXI4 transactions per core and ID
CoreUserAmoOffs doub_bt Base offset for core IDs within user AMO range

Each CVA6 core is a standalone AXI4 manager at the crossbar. Coherence is maintained through a self-invalidation scheme and RISC-V atomics are handled through a custom, user-channel-based AXI4 extension. For the latter, we wrap the cores and other managers to give each a default user channel assignment and, for atomics-capable managers, a unique ID on a slice of user bits.


The interconnect is composed of a main AXI4 crossbar with AXI5 atomic operations (ATOPs) support and an auxiliary Regbus demultiplexer providing access to numerous peripherals and configuration interfaces. The Regbus has a static data width of 32 bit.

As the Regbus protocol is not capable of bursts, parallel read and writes, or pipelining, it is much less performant than AXI4, but also much cheaper to implement. Thus, our approach of hierarchically combining AXI4 and Regbus significantly improves interconnect scaling.

The internal interconnect exposes the following parameters:

Parameter Type / Range Description
AddrWidth 32..64 AXI4 and Regbus address width
Axi(Data|User|MstId)Width shrt_bt AXI4 data, user, and manager ID width
AxiMax(Mst|Slv)Trans shrt_bt AXI4 maximum inflight transactions at crossbar
AxiUserDefault doub_bt AXI4 default user value amended by user features
AxiUserAmo(Msb|Lsb) dw_bt AXI4 user channel bit-range used by RISC-V AMOs
AxiUserErr(Bits|Lsb) dw_bt AXI4 user channel bit-range for custom errors
RegMax(Read|Write)Txns dw_bt Max. inflight transactions at Regbus AMO filter
RegAmoNumCuts aw_bt Number of timing cuts inside Regbus AMO filter
RegAmoPostCut bit Whether to insert a cut after Regbus AMO filter
RegAdaptMemCut bit Whether to insert a cut inside AXI-to-Rb. adapter
(Axi|Reg)ExtNum(Mst|Slv) 0..15 AXI4 and Regbus number of external Mgrs. or Subs.
(Axi|Reg)ExtNumRules 0..15 AXI4 and Regbus number of external address rules
(Axi|Reg)ExtRegion* doub_bt AXI4 and Regbus external address regions
AxiRtNumPending aw_bt Number of outstanding transactions in RT units
AxiRtWBufferDepth dw_bt The depth of the AXI-RT write buffer
AxiRtNumAddrRegions aw_bt Number of address regions for every AXI manager
AxiRtCutPaths bit Enable internal cuts in the RT units
AxiRtEnableChecks bit Enable transaction checks within the RT units

Both the AXI4 and Regbus interconnects support exposing a limited number of external manager and subordinate ports; this is the intended mechanism through which Cheshire can be integrated with wrapping SoCs' memory systems.

The parameter AxiUserDefault defines the default AXI4 user signal assignment. AxiUserAmo(Msb|Lsb) and AxiUserErr(Bits|Lsb) define which bits of the user signals identify RISC-V atomics managers and communicate custom errors, respectively.

The AXI4 interconnect has two optional features. AxiRt adds traffic regulation units to each AXI4 manager to provide bandwidth and traffic control for real-time applications. BusErr adds the UNBENT bus error reporter to all managers spawning requests and imprecisely reports AXI4 error responses through a Regbus-mapped interface.


Cheshire provides a flexible RISC-V interrupt architecture that can route and multiplex internal and external interrupts to both internal and external controllers and targets. For simplicity, the internal interrupt map is static (non-existent interrupts being tied to 0), while the external interrupt map depends on the surrounding system. Interrupts expose the following parameters:

Parameter Type / Range Description
NumExtInIntrs doub_bt Total number of external interrupt sources
NumExtClicIntrs shrt_bt Number of external interrupt sources allocated in CLIC
ClicIntCtlBits shrt_bt Number of interrupt control bits in CLIC
NumExtOutIntrTgts byte_bt Number of external interrupt targets
NumExtOutIntrs shrt_bt Number of sources for external interrupt targets
NumExtIrqHarts doub_bt Number of external interruptible harts

First, all internal (intr.intn) and external (intr_ext_i) interrupt sources are collected (intr). From here, they either pass through an interrupt router if enabled (IrqRouter) or are simply fanned out to interrupt targets, which may support as many or fewer interrupt sources as provided by intr. If a target supports fewer sources, its interrupt sources are truncated.

Cheshire provides both a core-local interruptor (CLINT), grouping all per-core interrupts in one module, and a shared platform-level interrupt controller (PLIC). The former is used only for inter-processor and timer interrupts, while the latter is a proper interrupt target. If enabled (Clic), each CVA6 core also has a core-local interrupt controller (CLIC), another interrupt target. In addition to the PLIC and CLICs, any number external interrupt targets may be defined (NumExtOutIntrTgts) with their own number of incoming sources (NumExtIrqHarts).

Finally, the PLIC and grouped CLINT also support allocating external harts for which to manage interrupts (NumExtIrqHarts), i.e. harts without interrupt controllers of themselves.

Debug Module

Cheshire provides a RISC-V-compliant Debug Module with JTAG transport. It supports debugging both internal and external harts as well as system bus access (SBA). It exposes the following parameters:

Parameter Type / Range Description
DbgIdCode word_bt JTAG ID code reported by Debug module
DbgMaxReqs dw_bt Maximum outstanding requests to manager port
DbgMax(Read|Write)Txns dw_bt Maximum ourstanding requests to subordinate port
DbgAmoNumCuts aw_bt Number of timing cuts inside Debug AMO filter
DbgAmoPostCut bit Whether to insert a cut after Debug AMO filter

Last Level Cache

The Last Level Cache (LLC) sits between Cheshire and its main memory (usually DRAM). It is assumed to be the only manager accessing this memory and caches all accesses to it unless explicitly bypassed through AXI cache control signals. It exposes the following parameters:

Parameter Type / Range Description
LlcOutConnect bit Whether to create a manager port for the LLC
LlcNotBypass bit Whether to instantiate the LLC or create a bypass
LlcOutRegion(Start|End) doub_bt Mapped region of outgoing LLC manager port (DRAM)
LlcSetAssoc shrt_bt Number of sets in LLC
LlcNum(Lines|Blocks) shrt_bt Number of lines and blocks for LLC
LlcMax(Read|Write)Txns dw_bt Max. number of outstanding requests to LLC
LlcAmoNumCuts aw_bt Number of timing cuts inside manager AMO filter
LlcAmoPostCut bit Whether to insert a cut after manager AMO filter

Each way of the LLC can individually be switched between caching and acting as a scratchpad memory (SPM). On initial boot, all ways are configured as SPM and the LLC does not cache any accesses; the SPM is used as a working memory for the boot ROM to enable autonomous bootstrapping from external memory.

The LLC may be entirely omitted through LlcNotBypass, for example if a more elaborate external main memory system is used. In this case, an external substitute scratchpad memory is required iff Cheshire should boot and run bare-metal code from scratchpad memory as usual. If the LLC is omitted, its port remains iff LlcOutConnect is set, providing a manager port with a RISC-V atomics filter and the above parameters only.

VGA Controller

The VGA Controller enables the drawing of video frames in memory over a VGA interface. It autonomously fetches frame data using an AXI manager port. Note that it currently only supports whole-byte pixel formats. It exposes the following parameters:

Parameter Type / Range Description
Vga(Red|Green|Blue)Width byte_bt Bit width of red, green, and blue output channels
Vga(H|V)CountWidth aw_bt Horizontal and vertical sync counter width
VgaBufferDepth dw_bt Depth of internal read data FIFO
VgaMaxReadTxns dw_bt Maximum number of outstanding reads

USB 1.1 (OHCI) Controller

The USB 1.1 (OHCI) Host Controller was generated from the SpinalHDL library and provides a fully digital root hub with four ports. Note that it currently only supports single-core CVA6 configurations with the default cache and can only access a 32-bit physical address subspaces. It exposes the following parameters:

Parameter Type / Range Description
UsbDmaMaxReads dw_bt Maximum outstanding reads for USB controller DMA
UsbAddrDomain doub_bt Address domain to cast USB DMA requests into
UsbAddrMask doub_bt Address mask to apply on USB DMA requests

The Serial Link is a fully digital, double-data-rate (DDR) chip-to-chip or die-to-die interface serializing AXI4. It can be used to communicate with other SoCs using it, such as other Cheshire instances or FPGAs providing further peripheral or accelerator functionality. It exposes the following parameters:

Parameter Type / Range Description
SlinkMaxClkDiv shrt_bt Max. system clock divider for DDR interface
SlinkMaxTxnsPerId dw_bt Max. number of inflight outgoing requests per ID
SlinkMaxUniqIds dw_bt Max. number of inflight IDs for outgoing requests
SlinkRegion(Start|End) doub_bt Address range for outgoing requests
SlinkTxAddrMask doub_bt Address mask to apply on incoming requests
SlinkTxAddrDomain doub_bt Address domain to cast incoming requests into
SlinkUserAmoBit dw_bt AXI4 AMO user bit to set on incoming requests

DMA Engine

The iDMA Engine enables high-throughput asynchronous transfers between any two subordinate address ranges in the system. The hardware supports, if enabled, up to two-dimensional transfers directly in hardware. It exposes the following parameters:

Parameter Type / Range Description
DmaConfMax(Read|Write)Txns dw_bt Max. number of outstanding requests to DMA config
DmaConfAmoNumCuts aw_bt Number of timing cuts inside config AMO filter
DmaConfAmoPostCut bit Whether to insert a cut after config AMO filter
DmaConfEnableTwoD bit Whether the 2D hardware extension is present
DmaNumAxInFlight dw_bt Number of outstanding transfers the DMA launches
DmaMemSysDepth dw_bt The approximate depth of the memory system
DmaJobFifoDepth aw_bt The depth of the job FIFO
DmaRAWCouplingAvail bit Whether the R-AW coupling feature is available


The I2C host, SPI host, and GPIO interface are IPs provided by OpenTitan and adapted for use in PULP systems. They remain compatible with and use OpenTitan's device interface functions (DIFs) with minor patches. For more information on these peripherals, please consult the OpenTitan IP Block Documentation. These peripherals expose the following parameters:

Parameter Type / Range Description
GpioInputSyncs bit Whether to add two-FF synchronizers to GPIO inputs


Cheshire's UART is compatible with the TI 16750. Thus, it is compatible with OpenSBI, U-Boot, and Linux out of the box. Note that Cheshire exposes the interface's modem access control for systems that wish to use it; if you do not, be sure to correctly tie off these signals.

Boot ROM

The boot ROM contains the first code executed by Cheshire's internal cores after reset. It serves to load a mutable program from an external source in a safe, swift, and verifiable fashion. It deserves particular attention because when implemented in unchangeable hardware, boot ROM bugs may seriously impact or altogether destroy the functionality of silicon implementations. For more information on Cheshire's built-in boot ROM, see the Boot ROM section in the Software Stack chapter.

The boot ROM can optionally invoke a Platform ROM before code loading to set up essential features of the surrounding system; this is done iff the platform ROM address parameter (PlatformRom) is nonzero. If the boot ROM is not instantiated (BootRom), the internal cores will attempt to boot directly from the configured Platform ROM instead.