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Vector Fill

Module: Support Functions



Vector Fill Kernels


void plp_fill_i32(int32_t value, int32_t *restrict pDst, uint32_t blockSize)
Glue code for filling a constant value into a 32-bit integer vector.

Detailed Description

Fills the destination vector with a constant value. pDst[n] = value; 0 <= n < blockSize. There are separate functions for floating point, integer, and fixed point 32- 16- 8-bit data types. For lower precision integers (16- and 8-bit), functions exploiting SIMD instructions are provided.

The naming scheme of the functions follows the following pattern (for example plp_dot_prod_i32s): _ _ _ , with

data type = {f, i, q} respectively for floats, integers, fixed points

precision = {32, 16, 8} bits

method = {s, p} respectively meaning single core or parallel multicore implementation.

isa extension = rv32im, xpulpv2, etc. of which rv32im is the most general one.

Functions Documentation

function plp_fill_i32

void plp_fill_i32(
    int32_t value,
    int32_t *__restrict__ pDst,
    uint32_t blockSize

Glue code for filling a constant value into a 32-bit integer vector.


  • value input value to be filled
  • pDst points to output vector
  • blockSize number of samples in each vector

Return: none

Updated on 2023-03-01 at 16:16:32 +0000