
class Deeploy.Targets.PULPOpen.TileConstraints.ConvTileConstraint.RQConv2DTileConstraint

Bases: TileConstraint




addGeometricalConstraint(tilerModel, ...)

This function add geometrical constraints for a PULP Im2Col Convolution Tilling.

addPolicyConstraint(tilerModel, parseDict, ctxt)

Override this function to add your custom constraints to your node.

computeInputCube(kernelShape, pads, strides, ...)


constructSymbolicNodeRep(tilerModel, ...)

extractBaseAddr(tilingSolution, ...)

getBaseAddr(tilingSolution, targetMemLevel, name)


serializeTilingSolution(tilingSolution, ...)

Compute the required input tiles as a sequence of HyperRectangles

wrapTilingSolution(tilingSolution, ...)

static addGeometricalConstraint(tilerModel: TilerModel, parseDict: Dict, ctxt: NetworkContext) TilerModel

This function add geometrical constraints for a PULP Im2Col Convolution Tilling.

static addPolicyConstraint(tilerModel: TilerModel, parseDict: Dict, ctxt: NetworkContext) TilerModel

Override this function to add your custom constraints to your node.

classmethod serializeTilingSolution(tilingSolution: NodeMemoryConstraint, absoluteOutputCubes: List[AbsoluteHyperRectangle], targetMemLevel: str, ctxt: NetworkContext, operatorRepresentation: Dict[str, str | Any]) Tuple[VariableReplacementScheme, TilingSchedule]

Compute the required input tiles as a sequence of HyperRectangles

  • tilingSolution (NodeMemoryConstraint) – The final tiling solution computed in the midend

  • absoluteOutputCubes (List[AbsoluteHyperRectangle]) – A list of HyperRectangles that represent tiles of the operator’s outputs with absolute offsets

  • targetMemLevel (str) – The name of the MemoryLevel registered within the Platform’s MemoryHierarchy where tiles should be transferred into (e.g.: L2, L1,… )

  • ctxt (NetworkContext) – The current NetworkContext

  • operatorRepresentation (Dict) – The operator’s node representation dictionary


Return a VariableReplacementScheme to express which expressions within the target template might have to be replaced due to tiling. Also return a TilingSchedule to define one input HyperRectangle tuple for each output tile

Return type:

Tuple[VariableReplacementScheme, TilingSchedule]


Exception – Raises an exception unless overridden in the calling class